A Little Thing Like Love

(clarke / macaulay)

Took you from dakota from the black hills to the plains
I brought you up a lady and the right way to behave
Turned my pockets inside-out and not a dime was saved
And now you're trying to decide whether to go or stay

Don't let a little thing like love keep on bringing you down, my babe
Or ever change the plans you made
Don't let a little thing like tears keep on turning you 'round, my babe
You're old enough to change your ways
And if you're feeling all run down, you look for the brighter lights uptown
Don't let a little thing like me ever stand in your way

Took you on a fast train across the rio grande
A mexicano wedding with a tijuana band
You blew my whole life savings and all the gold I'd panned
So if you're trying to find a way to say your sweet goodbyes


You're old enough to change your ways
And if you're feeling all run down
You look for the right to light the town
Don't let a little thing like me
Ever stand in your way
Don't let a little thing like love

Mirror lyrics:

Don't let a little thing like love
Ever stand in your way
Don't let a little thing like me
You look for the right to light the town
And if you're feeling all run down
You're old enough to change your ways


So if you're trying to find a way to say your sweet goodbyes
You blew my whole life savings and all the gold I'd panned
A mexicano wedding with a tijuana band
Took you on a fast train across the rio grande

Don't let a little thing like me ever stand in your way
And if you're feeling all run down, you look for the brighter lights uptown
You're old enough to change your ways
Don't let a little thing like tears keep on turning you 'round, my babe
Or ever change the plans you made
Don't let a little thing like love keep on bringing you down, my babe

And now you're trying to decide whether to go or stay
Turned my pockets inside-out and not a dime was saved
I brought you up a lady and the right way to behave
Took you from dakota from the black hills to the plains

(clarke / macaulay)

Relevant Tags:
AA LLittle TThing LLike LLove ittle hing ike ove A iLttle hTing iLke oLve z kittle fhing kike kove zA kLittle fThing kLike kLove Az Lkittle Tfhing Lkike Lkove
q oittle 5hing oike oove qA oLittle 5Thing oLike oLove Aq Loittle T5hing Loike Loove s pittle hhing pike pove sA pLittle hThing pLike pLove As Lpittle Thhing Lpike Lpove
w Liittle yhing Liike wA Lttle yThing Lke Lve Aw Ltitle Tyhing Lkie Lvoe x Ljttle 6hing Ljke Lkve xA Ljittle 6Thing Ljike Ax Lijttle T6hing Lijke Lokve
L9ttle ghing L9ke L9ve L9ittle gThing L9ike L9ove Li9ttle Tghing Li9ke Lo9ve Llttle rhing Llke L0ve Llittle rThing Llike L0ove Lilttle Trhing Lilke Lo0ve
Lottle Loke Llve Ting Llove Liottle Tihng Lioke Lolve Lkttle Tjing Lkke Live Tjhing Liove Likttle Thjing Likke Loive
L8ttle Tuing L8ke Lovve L8ittle Tuhing L8ike Loe Li8ttle Thuing Li8ke Loev Luttle Tning Luke Lobe Luittle Tnhing Luike Lobve Liuttle Thning Liuke Lovbe
Litttle Tbing Loce Litle Tbhing Lie Locve Little Thbing Liek Lovce Liftle Tging Lile Loge Lifttle Logve Litftle Thging Likle Lovge
Li5tle Tying Lioe Lofe Li5ttle Lofve Lit5tle Thying Likoe Lovfe Lihtle Thiing Lime Lovee Lihttle Thng Limke Lov Lithtle Thnig Likme Love
Liytle Thjng Lije Lovs Liyttle Lovse Litytle Thijng Likje Loves Li6tle Th9ng Liie Lov3 Li6ttle Th9ing Lov3e Lit6tle Thi9ng Likie Love3

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