The Whole World

just walk out the door
don't look back for more
don't look back for more
stay where your heart will not break
find what your looking for
find what your looking for

just hold your breath and wait for this one message to explode
the rattle and the hum of all you know

and the whole world just sings along
to every word and song
to every word and song

keep, yeah, keep your anthem strong
and find where you belong
find where you belong
lose your shoe-gazing view
and rid the world of wrong
with one simple song

and the whole world just sings along
to every word and song
to every word and song

hey, can you believe what you hear?
we're not taking this no more
i'm not taking this no more

and the whole world just sings along
to every word and song
to every word and song

and the whole world just sings along
to every word and song
to every word and song

Mirror lyrics:

to every word and song
to every word and song
and the whole world just sings along

to every word and song
to every word and song
and the whole world just sings along

i'm not taking this no more
we're not taking this no more
hey, can you believe what you hear?

to every word and song
to every word and song
and the whole world just sings along

with one simple song
and rid the world of wrong
lose your shoe-gazing view
find where you belong
and find where you belong
keep, yeah, keep your anthem strong

to every word and song
to every word and song
and the whole world just sings along

the rattle and the hum of all you know
just hold your breath and wait for this one message to explode

find what your looking for
find what your looking for
stay where your heart will not break
don't look back for more
don't look back for more
just walk out the door

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWhole WWorld he hole orld hTe hWole oWrld fhe ahole aorld fThe aWhole aWorld Tfhe Wahole Waorld 5he 3hole 3orld
5The 3Whole 3World T5he W3hole W3orld hhe dhole dorld hThe dWhole dWorld Thhe Wdhole Wdorld yhe ehole eorld yThe eWhole eWorld
Tyhe Wehole Weorld 6he shole sorld 6The sWhole sWorld T6he Wshole Wsorld ghe 2hole 2orld gThe 2Whole 2World Tghe W2hole W2orld
rhe qhole qorld rThe qWhole qWorld Trhe Wqhole Wqorld Whhole Woorld Te Wole Wrld Teh Wohle Wrold Tje Wjole Wkrld
Tjhe Wjhole Wkorld Thje Whjole Wokrld Tue Wuole W9rld Tuhe Wuhole W9orld Thue Whuole Wo9rld Tne Wnole W0rld Tnhe Wnhole W0orld
Thne Whnole Wo0rld Tbe Wbole Wlrld Tbhe Wbhole Wlorld Thbe Whbole Wolrld Tge Wgole Wirld Wghole Wiorld Thge Whgole Woirld
Tye Wyole Worrld Wyhole Wold Thye Whyole Wolrd Thee Whoole Wodld Th Whle Wodrld The Whloe Wordld Ths Whkle Wo4ld
Thse Whkole Wo4rld

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