Hole Inside, A
A Hole Inside

I'm sitting in the hole you left
and trying to hold it all inside
I want to ignore our time stepped outside the door
here in the darkness you feel like a stranger to me

Its all lost, it's out of my hands
and you don't understand how to fix this
its all lost out of my hands
and you dont understand how to fill the hole inside

I've stabbed myself so many times and only because of what you didn't do
you come to me when you need a hand to set him on fire again
just anotherm meaningless night to set him in flames again

Mirror lyrics:

just anotherm meaningless night to set him in flames again
you come to me when you need a hand to set him on fire again
I've stabbed myself so many times and only because of what you didn't do

and you dont understand how to fill the hole inside
its all lost out of my hands
and you don't understand how to fix this
Its all lost, it's out of my hands

here in the darkness you feel like a stranger to me
I want to ignore our time stepped outside the door
and trying to hold it all inside
I'm sitting in the hole you left

Relevant Tags:
AA HHole IInside ole nside A oHle nIside z jole jnside zA jHole jInside Az Hjole Ijnside q uole 9nside qA uHole 9Inside Aq Huole I9nside
s nole lnside sA nHole lInside As Hnole Ilnside w bole onside wA bHole oInside Aw Hbole Ionside x gole knside xA gHole kInside Ax Hgole Iknside
yole 8nside yHole 8Inside Hyole I8nside Hoole unside Hle uInside Hloe Iunside Hkle Innside Hkole Iside Hokle Isnide
H9le Imside H9ole Imnside Ho9le Inmside H0le Ihside H0ole Ihnside Ho0le Inhside Hlle Ijside Hlole Holle Injside
Hile Ibside Hiole Ibnside Hoile Inbside Insside Hoe Inide Hoel Inisde Hoke Inzide Inzside Holke Inszide
Hooe Inwide Inwside Holoe Inswide Hope Indide Hople Indside Holpe Insdide Holee Ineide Hol Ineside Hole Inseide
Hols Inxide Holse Inxside Holes Insxide Hol3 Inaide Hol3e Inaside Hole3 Insaide Holf Insiide Holfe Insde

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