Why Does Everybody Steal My Hits

Do you believe it?
She wrote it all herself
You really buy it?
Because she looks so good
Don't you see it?
How they do my riffs
Don't you hear it?
I played ‘m first, for sure

I don't know why everybody steals my hits
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I am not the star and all, yeah I

Do you believe it?
She's the new big hype
You really buy it?
The way they set you up
Don't you see it?
I should be really someone
Don't you hear it?
Those tunes are mine

I don't know why everybody steals my hits
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I don't know why everybody does my songs
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I should be the star and all, yeah I

Hey, ho!
Hey, ho!

I don't know why everybody steals my hits
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I don't know why everybody does my songs
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I did the job, they get the fun
I wrote it all before everyone

Mirror lyrics:

I wrote it all before everyone
I did the job, they get the fun
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I don't know why everybody does my songs
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I don't know why everybody steals my hits

Hey, ho!
Hey, ho!

I should be the star and all, yeah I
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I don't know why everybody does my songs
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I don't know why everybody steals my hits

Those tunes are mine
Don't you hear it?
I should be really someone
Don't you see it?
The way they set you up
You really buy it?
She's the new big hype
Do you believe it?

I am not the star and all, yeah I
I don't know why I am not the famous one
I don't know why everybody steals my hits

I played ‘m first, for sure
Don't you hear it?
How they do my riffs
Don't you see it?
Because she looks so good
You really buy it?
She wrote it all herself
Do you believe it?

Relevant Tags:
WWhy DDoes EEverybody SSteal MMy HHits hy oes verybody teal y its hWy oDes vEerybody tSeal yM iHts ahy xoes sverybody zteal jy jits aWhy xDoes sEverybody zSteal jMy jHits
Wahy Dxoes Esverybody Szteal Mjy Hjits 3hy eoes 3verybody wteal ky uits 3Why eDoes 3Everybody wSteal kMy uHits W3hy Deoes E3verybody Swteal Mky Huits dhy foes fverybody dteal ny nits
dWhy fDoes fEverybody dSteal nMy nHits Wdhy Dfoes Efverybody Sdteal Mny Hnits ehy roes rverybody eteal Myy bits eWhy rDoes rEverybody eSteal M bHits Wehy Droes Erverybody Seteal My Hbits
shy coes 4verybody xteal Mg gits sWhy cDoes 4Everybody xSteal Mgy gHits Wshy Dcoes E4verybody Sxteal Myg Hgits 2hy soes dverybody ateal Mh yits 2Why sDoes dEverybody aSteal Mhy yHits
W2hy Dsoes Edverybody Sateal Myh Hyits qhy Dooes wverybody Stteal M6 Hiits qWhy Des wEverybody Seal M6y Hts Wqhy Deos Ewverybody Setal My6 Htis Whhy Dkes Evverybody Sfeal Mu Hjts
Wy Dkoes Eerybody Sfteal Muy Wyh Dokes Eevrybody Stfeal Myu Hijts Wjy D9es Eberybody S5eal M7 H9ts Wjhy D9oes Ebverybody S5teal M7y H9its Whjy Do9es Evberybody St5eal My7 Hi9ts
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