Western White Kid

He was just fourteen and he was white
A smart person? yes.
A Hero? Oh no not quite
He had no friends, he was always on his own
He wasn't accepted, he wasn't full-grown

Ugly, spoiled, pimpled, western, white kid
With knock-kneed legs

In school the kids always kicked his ass
Because he played the guitar instead of smoking grass
The pimples where all over his ugly face
If he smiled they jumped all different ways

They called him nerd, they called him dweep
He had his pride and they never made him weep
They all humbled him, even the busschool driver
Although they thought he was a loser, he was a survivor

Mirror lyrics:

Although they thought he was a loser, he was a survivor
They all humbled him, even the busschool driver
He had his pride and they never made him weep
They called him nerd, they called him dweep

If he smiled they jumped all different ways
The pimples where all over his ugly face
Because he played the guitar instead of smoking grass
In school the kids always kicked his ass

With knock-kneed legs
Ugly, spoiled, pimpled, western, white kid

He wasn't accepted, he wasn't full-grown
He had no friends, he was always on his own
A Hero? Oh no not quite
A smart person? yes.
He was just fourteen and he was white

Relevant Tags:
WWestern WWhite KKid estern hite id eWstern hWite iKd aestern ahite lid aWestern aWhite lKid Waestern Wahite Klid
3estern 3hite oid 3Western 3White oKid W3estern W3hite Koid destern dhite mid dWestern dWhite mKid Wdestern Wdhite Kmid
eestern ehite jid eWestern eWhite jKid Weestern Wehite Kjid sestern shite iid sWestern sWhite iKid Wsestern Wshite Kiid
2estern 2hite 2Western 2White Kd W2estern W2hite Kdi qestern qhite Kjd qWestern qWhite Wqestern Wqhite Kijd
Whhite K9d Wstern Wite K9id Wsetern Wihte Ki9d Wsstern Wjite Kld Wjhite Wesstern Whjite Kild
W3stern Wuite Kod Wuhite We3stern Whuite Kiod Wfstern Wnite Kkd Wfestern Wnhite Kkid Wefstern Whnite Kikd
Wrstern Wbite K8d Wrestern Wbhite K8id Werstern Whbite Ki8d W4stern Wgite Kud W4estern Wghite Kuid We4stern Whgite Kiud
Wdstern Wyite Kidd Wyhite Ki Wedstern Whyite Kid Wwstern Whiite Kix Wwestern Whte Kixd Wewstern Whtie Kidx
Whjte Kie Wetern Kied Wetsern Whijte Kide Weztern Wh9te Kif Wezstern Wh9ite Kifd Wesztern Whi9te Kidf
Wewtern Whlte Kir Whlite Kird Weswtern Whilte Kidr Wedtern Whote Kic Whoite Kicd Wesdtern Whiote Kidc
Weetern Whkte Kis Whkite Kisd Wesetern Whikte Kids Wextern Wh8te Wexstern Wh8ite Wesxtern Whi8te
Weatern Whute Weastern Wesatern Whiute Westtern Whitte Wesern Whie

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