Time Is Ticking Away

I gotta do something that's what they say
Because time is ticking away
I gotta get a job and work 8 hours a day
Because time is ticking away
I gotta quit my school and become a famous DJ
Because time is ticking away
I gotta travel the world and learn Spanish someday
Because time is ticking away

Time is ticking away
And there are too many things I wanna say
Like "I love you" "Thanks for being there"
"Seize the day" "Enjoy the moment"
Because time is ticking away

I know one day I will pass away
I can worry, I can cry, I can pray
But I rather like to dance instead
and look back on the great times we had
I don't need many friends
but those I have are real
Together we're down for life
United we stand, devided we fall
All for one and one for all

Mirror lyrics:

All for one and one for all
United we stand, devided we fall
Together we're down for life
but those I have are real
I don't need many friends
and look back on the great times we had
But I rather like to dance instead
I can worry, I can cry, I can pray
I know one day I will pass away

Because time is ticking away
"Seize the day" "Enjoy the moment"
Like "I love you" "Thanks for being there"
And there are too many things I wanna say
Time is ticking away

Because time is ticking away
I gotta travel the world and learn Spanish someday
Because time is ticking away
I gotta quit my school and become a famous DJ
Because time is ticking away
I gotta get a job and work 8 hours a day
Because time is ticking away
I gotta do something that's what they say

Relevant Tags:
TTime IIs TTicking AAway ime s icking way iTme sI iTcking wAay fime js ficking zway fTime jIs fTicking zAway Tfime Ijs Tficking Azway
5ime 9s 5icking qway 5Time 9Is 5Ticking qAway T5ime I9s T5icking Aqway hime ls hicking sway hTime lIs hTicking sAway Thime Ils Thicking Asway
yime os yicking wway yTime oIs yTicking wAway Tyime Ios Tyicking Awway 6ime ks 6icking xway 6Time kIs 6Ticking xAway T6ime Iks T6icking Axway
gime 8s gicking gTime 8Is gTicking Aay Tgime I8s Tgicking Aawy rime us ricking Aaay rTime uIs rTicking Aaway Trime Ius Tricking Awaay
Tiime Iss Tiicking A3ay Tme I Tcking A3way Tmie Is Tciking Aw3ay Tjme Iz Tjcking Aday Tjime Izs Tjicking Adway Tijme Isz Tijcking Awday
T9me Iw T9cking Aeay T9ime Iws T9icking Aeway Ti9me Isw Ti9cking Aweay Tlme Id Tlcking Asay Tlime Ids Tlicking Tilme Isd Tilcking Awsay
Tome Ie Tocking A2ay Toime Ies Toicking A2way Tiome Ise Tiocking Aw2ay Tkme Ix Tkcking Aqay Tkime Ixs Tkicking Tikme Isx Tikcking Awqay
T8me Ia T8cking T8ime Ias T8icking Awy Ti8me Isa Ti8cking Awya Tume Tucking Awzy Tuime Tuicking Awzay Tiume Tiucking Awazy
Timme Ticcking Awqy Tie Tiking Tiem Tikcing Awaqy Tije Tifking Awsy Tifcking Timje Ticfking Awasy
Tike Tixking Awwy Tixcking Timke Ticxking Awawy Tine Tivking Awxy Tinme Tivcking Awxay Timne Ticvking Awaxy
Timee Tidking Awayy Tim Tidcking Awa Time Ticdking Away Tims Tickking Awag Timse Ticing Awagy Times Ticikng Awayg
Tim3 Ticling Awah

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