Rockstar Heaven

Kurt, Jim, Keith and Jimmy...
They were twenty seven
I wanna play with them, in God's Rockstar Heaven

I'll blow myself away, I'll blow myself away
Just blow my head away

If I'm famous and twenty seven
Then I'll blow myself to Heaven
At the minute my life ends, I'll get real Rockstar- friends!

I'll blow myself away, I'll blow myself away
Just blow my head away

Let's play a real cool song
Made by Jim and Kurt
Let's print the whole band on a T- dye shirt

I'll blow myself away, I'll blow myself away
Just blow my head away

Cool idols die young! (x4)

I'll blow myself away, I'll blow myself away
Just blow my head away (x2)


Mirror lyrics:


Just blow my head away (x2)
I'll blow myself away, I'll blow myself away

Cool idols die young! (x4)

Just blow my head away
I'll blow myself away, I'll blow myself away

Let's print the whole band on a T- dye shirt
Made by Jim and Kurt
Let's play a real cool song

Just blow my head away
I'll blow myself away, I'll blow myself away

At the minute my life ends, I'll get real Rockstar- friends!
Then I'll blow myself to Heaven
If I'm famous and twenty seven

Just blow my head away
I'll blow myself away, I'll blow myself away

I wanna play with them, in God's Rockstar Heaven
They were twenty seven
Kurt, Jim, Keith and Jimmy...

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RRockstar HHeaven ockstar eaven oRckstar eHaven dockstar jeaven dRockstar jHeaven Rdockstar Hjeaven 4ockstar ueaven
4Rockstar uHeaven R4ockstar Hueaven gockstar neaven gRockstar nHeaven Rgockstar Hneaven tockstar beaven tRockstar bHeaven
Rtockstar Hbeaven 5ockstar geaven 5Rockstar gHeaven R5ockstar Hgeaven fockstar yeaven fRockstar yHeaven Rfockstar Hyeaven
eockstar Heeaven eRockstar Haven Reockstar Haeven Roockstar Hsaven Rckstar Hseaven Rcokstar Hesaven Rkckstar H3aven
Rkockstar H3eaven Rokckstar He3aven R9ckstar Hfaven R9ockstar Hfeaven Ro9ckstar Hefaven R0ckstar Hraven R0ockstar Hreaven
Ro0ckstar Heraven Rlckstar H4aven Rlockstar H4eaven Rolckstar He4aven Rickstar Hdaven Riockstar Hdeaven Roickstar Hedaven
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