Hed Pe
New World Intro

"You had better wake up and understand,
that there are people who are guiding your life
and you don't even know it.
And all American citizens I think,
have suspected something like this has been going on."
[~ Matrix of Power: Jordan Maxwell 1992 -
Freemasonry Connections to Illuminate]

"Because our masters don't give a damn about you, or your family.
All they care about is what they have always cared about and
that's controlling the whole damn world."
[~ Zeitgeist]

"We have the force, we have the opportunity to forge,
for our selves and for future generations, a new world order,
a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle,
governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be,
we have a real chance at this new world order,
an order in which incredible united nations can use
its peace keeping role to fulfill the promise
and vision of a new world order."
[~ Bush Sr.]

Mirror lyrics:

[~ Bush Sr.]
and vision of a new world order."
its peace keeping role to fulfill the promise
an order in which incredible united nations can use
we have a real chance at this new world order,
governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be,
a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle,
for our selves and for future generations, a new world order,
"We have the force, we have the opportunity to forge,

[~ Zeitgeist]
that's controlling the whole damn world."
All they care about is what they have always cared about and
"Because our masters don't give a damn about you, or your family.

Freemasonry Connections to Illuminate]
[~ Matrix of Power: Jordan Maxwell 1992 -
have suspected something like this has been going on."
And all American citizens I think,
and you don't even know it.
that there are people who are guiding your life
"You had better wake up and understand,

Relevant Tags:
NNew WWorld IIntro ew orld ntro eNw oWrld nItro mew aorld jntro mNew aWorld jIntro Nmew Waorld Ijntro hew 3orld 9ntro
hNew 3World 9Intro Nhew W3orld I9ntro jew dorld lntro jNew dWorld lIntro Njew Wdorld Ilntro bew eorld ontro bNew eWorld oIntro
Nbew Weorld Iontro Neew sorld kntro Nw sWorld kIntro Nwe Wsorld Ikntro Nsw 2orld 8ntro Nsew 2World 8Intro Nesw W2orld I8ntro
N3w qorld untro N3ew qWorld uIntro Ne3w Wqorld Iuntro Nfw Woorld Inntro Nfew Wrld Itro Nefw Wrold Itnro Nrw Wkrld Imtro
Nrew Wkorld Imntro Nerw Wokrld Inmtro N4w W9rld Ihtro N4ew W9orld Ihntro Ne4w Wo9rld Inhtro Ndw W0rld Ijtro Ndew W0orld
Nedw Wo0rld Injtro Nww Wlrld Ibtro Nwew Wlorld Ibntro Neww Wolrld Inbtro Wirld Inttro Ne Wiorld Inro New Woirld Inrto
Nea Worrld Infro Neaw Wold Inftro Newa Wolrd Intfro Ne3 Wodld In5ro Wodrld In5tro New3 Wordld Int5ro Ned Wo4ld Inhro

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