Put Out The Fire

Put out the fire and set me free
Put out the fire and help me let it be
Can't let it go on or it will take me to some end
I can't right all these wrongs or make amends

Maybe your mind works different than mine
Maybe your mind is of another kind
The things that you do - the things you hear and see
Maybe it's you and not me

Put out the fire - stamp out the glow
'fore the stakes get any higher
You know i know that i should know
The fire's still raging - and i've counted to ten
Hold my breath and i'm waiting
Want to exhale but don't know when
Can't seem to put it out
Keep trying though i am in doubt
I've drained the oceans dry but i cannot put it out

Put out the fire - help me turn it around
I fought it with fire but it only scorched the ground

Mirror lyrics:

I fought it with fire but it only scorched the ground
Put out the fire - help me turn it around

I've drained the oceans dry but i cannot put it out
Keep trying though i am in doubt
Can't seem to put it out
Want to exhale but don't know when
Hold my breath and i'm waiting
The fire's still raging - and i've counted to ten
You know i know that i should know
'fore the stakes get any higher
Put out the fire - stamp out the glow

Maybe it's you and not me
The things that you do - the things you hear and see
Maybe your mind is of another kind
Maybe your mind works different than mine

I can't right all these wrongs or make amends
Can't let it go on or it will take me to some end
Put out the fire and help me let it be
Put out the fire and set me free

Relevant Tags:
PPut OOut TThe FFire ut ut he ire uPt uOt hTe iFre 0ut kut fhe cire 0Put kOut fThe cFire P0ut Okut Tfhe Fcire lut 9ut 5he rire
lPut 9Out 5The rFire Plut O9ut T5he Frire out 0ut hhe gire oPut 0Out hThe gFire Pout O0ut Thhe Fgire Puut lut yhe tire Pt lOut yThe tFire
Ptu Olut Tyhe Ftire Pht iut 6he vire Phut iOut 6The vFire Puht Oiut T6he Fvire P7t Ouut ghe dire P7ut Ot gThe dFire Pu7t Otu Tghe Fdire
Pkt Oht rhe Fiire Pkut Ohut rThe Fre Pukt Ouht Trhe Frie Pit O7t Fjre Piut O7ut Te Fjire Puit Ou7t Teh Fijre P8t Okt Tje F9re
P8ut Tjhe F9ire Pu8t Oukt Thje Fi9re Pjt Oit Tue Flre Pjut Tuhe Flire Pujt Ouit Thue Filre Pyt O8t Tne Fore Pyut O8ut Tnhe Foire
Puyt Ou8t Thne Fiore Putt Ojt Tbe Fkre Pu Ojut Tbhe Fkire Put Oujt Thbe Fikre Puf Oyt Tge F8re Puft Oyut F8ire Putf Ouyt Thge Fi8re
Pu5 Outt Tye Fure Pu5t Ou Fuire

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