
Look out now when I come your way
I´m a dog & I´m astray
I´ve been taught but I won´t learn
Been out of luck but baby it will turn
So I sold my soul again
I can´t turn back ´cuz its the place
I put my damn self in
And I will sell my soul to you
What I need has long been overdue

Blast my way with raging speed
Beelzebub gimme what I need
Don´t wanna wait to what comes around
Gotta hear it now I gotta grab that sound

I call it gold some call it vile
But to place my bets on consolation prices
Just ain´t my style
I´ve gotta get sixsixsix I´ve gotta go
Won´t you burn with me when I make that show

Soulseller - got a sale for you

Mirror lyrics:

Soulseller - got a sale for you

Won´t you burn with me when I make that show
I´ve gotta get sixsixsix I´ve gotta go
Just ain´t my style
But to place my bets on consolation prices
I call it gold some call it vile

Gotta hear it now I gotta grab that sound
Don´t wanna wait to what comes around
Beelzebub gimme what I need
Blast my way with raging speed

What I need has long been overdue
And I will sell my soul to you
I put my damn self in
I can´t turn back ´cuz its the place
So I sold my soul again
Been out of luck but baby it will turn
I´ve been taught but I won´t learn
I´m a dog & I´m astray
Look out now when I come your way

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Souhlseller So7lseller So7ulseller Sou7lseller Soklseller Souklseller Soilseller Souilseller So8lseller So8ulseller Sou8lseller
Sojlseller Sojulseller Soujlseller Soylseller Soyulseller Souylseller Soullseller Souseller Sousleller Soukseller Soulkseller
Souoseller Souolseller Souloseller Soupseller Souplseller Soulpseller Soulsseller Souleller Soulesller Soulzeller Soulzseller
Soulszeller Soulweller Soulwseller Soulsweller Souldeller Souldseller Soulsdeller

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