Howard Jones
Let The Spirit Carry Me

People come together its time for a union
C'mon c'mon c'mon lets do it right
When the darkness takes control and we lose the reason
C'mon c'mon c'mon lets see the light

Well let the faith shine down on me and let the spirit carry me

To a place where the stars don't know your name
To a town where the children fly
To a city where love comes naturally
In a country where devils die
I want to be there one more time

When my brain is on the floor I need you to help me
C'mon c'mon c'mon don't watch me die
And a friend is someone that you allow to help you
Carry me back carry me back hear me cry

Well let the faith shine down on me and let the spirit carry me

And I dreamt of a love that knows no gain
And our guilt didn't paralyse
Men and women and children can walk free
In the world where our devils die
I want to be there one more time

I want to be there one more time, I want to be there one more time

To a place where the stars don't know you're name
To a town where the children fly
To a city where love comes naturally
In a country where devils die
I want to be there one more time

Well let the faith shine down on me and let the spirit carry me

Mirror lyrics:

Well let the faith shine down on me and let the spirit carry me

I want to be there one more time
In a country where devils die
To a city where love comes naturally
To a town where the children fly
To a place where the stars don't know you're name

I want to be there one more time, I want to be there one more time

I want to be there one more time
In the world where our devils die
Men and women and children can walk free
And our guilt didn't paralyse
And I dreamt of a love that knows no gain

Well let the faith shine down on me and let the spirit carry me

Carry me back carry me back hear me cry
And a friend is someone that you allow to help you
C'mon c'mon c'mon don't watch me die
When my brain is on the floor I need you to help me

I want to be there one more time
In a country where devils die
To a city where love comes naturally
To a town where the children fly
To a place where the stars don't know your name

Well let the faith shine down on me and let the spirit carry me

C'mon c'mon c'mon lets see the light
When the darkness takes control and we lose the reason
C'mon c'mon c'mon lets do it right
People come together its time for a union

Relevant Tags:
LLet TThe SSpirit CCarry MMe et he pirit arry e eLt hTe pSirit aCrry eM ket fhe zpirit farry je kLet fThe zSpirit fCarry jMe Lket Tfhe Szpirit Cfarry Mje
oet 5he wpirit xarry ke oLet 5The wSpirit xCarry kMe Loet T5he Swpirit Cxarry Mke pet hhe dpirit varry ne pLet hThe dSpirit vCarry nMe Lpet Thhe Sdpirit Cvarry Mne
Leet yhe epirit darry Mee Lt yThe eSpirit dCarry M Lte Tyhe Sepirit Cdarry Me Lst 6he xpirit Caarry Ms Lset 6The xSpirit Crry Mse Lest T6he Sxpirit Crary Mes
L3t ghe apirit Czrry M3 L3et gThe aSpirit Czarry M3e Le3t Tghe Sapirit Cazrry Me3 Lft rhe Sppirit Cqrry Mf Lfet rThe Sirit Cqarry Mfe Left Trhe Siprit Caqrry Mef
Lrt S0irit Csrry Mr Lret Te S0pirit Csarry Mre Lert Teh Sp0irit Casrry Mer L4t Tje Slirit Cwrry M4 L4et Tjhe Slpirit Cwarry M4e Le4t Thje Splirit Cawrry Me4
Ldt Tue Soirit Cxrry Md Ldet Tuhe Sopirit Mde Ledt Thue Spoirit Caxrry Med Lwt Tne Spiirit Carrry Mw Lwet Tnhe Sprit Cary Mwe Lewt Thne Spriit Carry Mew
Lett Tbe Spjrit Cadry Le Tbhe Spjirit Cadrry Let Thbe Spijrit Cardry Lef Tge Sp9rit Ca4ry Sp9irit Ca4rry Letf Thge Spi9rit Car4ry
Le5 Tye Splrit Cagry Le5t Cagrry Let5 Thye Spilrit Cargry Leh Thee Sporit Catry Leht Th Catrry Leth The Spiorit Cartry
Ley Ths Spkrit Ca5ry Leyt Thse Spkirit Ca5rry Lety Thes Spikrit Car5ry Le6 Th3 Sp8rit Cafry Le6t Th3e Sp8irit Cafrry Let6 The3 Spi8rit Carfry
Leg Thf Spurit Caery Legt Thfe Spuirit Caerry Letg Thef Spiurit Carery Ler Thr Spirrit Thre Spiit Letr Ther Spiirt Caryr
Th4 Spidit Cardy Th4e Spidrit The4 Spirdit Carrdy Thd Spi4it Car4y

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