Howard Jones
Let It Flow

Where are the new rebels
We didn't ask for this
Trying to be something different
We will fight the bigots
Fight them with our reason
Fight them with our constancy

River, our river, let it flow
This is our lamp light
Let it glow
River, river, let it flow
This is our reason
Let it grow

Don't keep looking back
Living in the past
Never built a golden future. Have,
Have faith in the species
We've come to far to fail
I don't believe in our extinction

Everyone of us
Has got to take it on
Don't build a dam on evolution. There,
There are those who'd like us
To cling on to the past
Wallowing in their past glories

River, (don't)
Our river, (don't look back)
Let it flow (we might fall)
This is our lamp light
Let it glow (have faith in the future)
River, (don't)
River, (don't look back)
Let it flow (we might fall)
This is our reason
Let it grow

Mirror lyrics:

Let it grow
This is our reason
Let it flow (we might fall)
River, (don't look back)
River, (don't)
Let it glow (have faith in the future)
This is our lamp light
Let it flow (we might fall)
Our river, (don't look back)
River, (don't)

Wallowing in their past glories
To cling on to the past
There are those who'd like us
Don't build a dam on evolution. There,
Has got to take it on
Everyone of us

I don't believe in our extinction
We've come to far to fail
Have faith in the species
Never built a golden future. Have,
Living in the past
Don't keep looking back

Let it grow
This is our reason
River, river, let it flow
Let it glow
This is our lamp light
River, our river, let it flow

Fight them with our constancy
Fight them with our reason
We will fight the bigots
Trying to be something different
We didn't ask for this
Where are the new rebels

Relevant Tags:
LLet IIt FFlow et t low eLt tI lFow ket jt clow kLet jIt cFlow Lket Ijt Fclow oet 9t rlow oLet 9It rFlow Loet I9t Frlow pet lt glow
pLet lIt gFlow Lpet Ilt Fglow Leet ot tlow Lt oIt tFlow Lte Iot Ftlow Lst kt vlow Lset kIt vFlow Lest Ikt Fvlow L3t 8t dlow L3et 8It dFlow
Le3t I8t Fdlow Lft ut Fllow Lfet uIt Fow Left Iut Folw Lrt Itt Fkow Lret I Fklow Lert It Flkow L4t If Foow L4et Ift Folow Le4t Itf Floow
Ldt I5 Fpow Ldet I5t Fplow Ledt It5 Flpow Lwt Ih Lwet Iht Flw Lewt Ith Flwo

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