Huey Lewis And The News
If You Gotta Make A Fool Of Somebody

If you got to make a fool of somebody
If you got to make a fool of someone
Do you really want to hurt me
When I'm the one that worries
About you

Anytime at all
I'll rush to your side
Anytime you call
Just to be near you
You know
That anywhere I'll go
How could you hurt me so

If you got to make a fool of somebody
If you got to make a fool of someone
If you got to make a fool of somebody
If you got to make a fool of someone
Do you really want to hurt me
When I'm the one that worries
About you

Mirror lyrics:

About you
When I'm the one that worries
Do you really want to hurt me
If you got to make a fool of someone
If you got to make a fool of somebody
If you got to make a fool of someone
If you got to make a fool of somebody

How could you hurt me so
That anywhere I'll go
You know
Just to be near you
Anytime you call
I'll rush to your side
Anytime at all

About you
When I'm the one that worries
Do you really want to hurt me
If you got to make a fool of someone
If you got to make a fool of somebody

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IIf YYou GGotta MMake AA FFool OOf SSomebody f ou otta ake ool f omebody fI oYu oGtta aMke A oFol fO oSmebody jf gou hotta jake z cool kf zomebody
jIf gYou hGotta jMake zA cFool kOf zSomebody Ijf Ygou Ghotta Mjake Az Fcool Okf Szomebody 9f hou yotta kake q rool 9f womebody 9If hYou yGotta kMake qA rFool 9Of wSomebody
I9f Yhou Gyotta Mkake Aq Frool O9f Swomebody lf 6ou botta nake s gool 0f domebody lIf 6You bGotta nMake sA gFool 0Of dSomebody Ilf Y6ou Gbotta Mnake As Fgool O0f Sdomebody
of uou votta Maake w tool lf eomebody oIf uYou vGotta Mke wA tFool lOf eSomebody Iof Yuou Gvotta Mkae Aw Ftool Olf Seomebody kf 7ou fotta Mzke x vool if xomebody
kIf 7You fGotta Mzake xA vFool iOf xSomebody Ikf Y7ou Gfotta Mazke Ax Fvool Oif Sxomebody 8f jou totta Mqke dool Off aomebody 8If jYou tGotta Mqake dFool O aSomebody
I8f Yjou Gtotta Maqke Fdool Of Saomebody uf tou Gootta Mske Foool Oc Soomebody uIf tYou Gtta Msake Fol Ocf Smebody Iuf Ytou Gtota Maske Fool Ofc Smoebody
Iff Yoou Gktta Mwke Fkol Or Skmebody I Yu Gkotta Mwake Fkool Orf Skomebody If Yuo Goktta Mawke Fokol Ofr Sokmebody Ic Yku G9tta Mxke F9ol Og S9mebody
Icf Ykou G9otta Mxake F9ool Ogf S9omebody Ifc Yoku Go9tta Maxke Fo9ol Ofg So9mebody Ir Y9u G0tta Makke F0ol Ot S0mebody Irf Y9ou G0otta Mae F0ool Otf S0omebody
Ifr Yo9u Go0tta Maek Fo0ol Oft So0mebody Ig Y0u Gltta Male Flol Ov Slmebody Igf Y0ou Glotta Malke Flool Ovf Slomebody Ifg Yo0u Goltta Makle Folol Ofv Solmebody
It Ylu Gitta Maoe Fiol Od Simebody Itf Ylou Giotta Maoke Fiool Odf Siomebody Ift Yolu Goitta Makoe Foiol Ofd Soimebody Iv Yiu Gottta Mame Sommebody
Ivf Yiou Gota Mamke Soebody Ifv Yoiu Gotta Makme Folo Soembody Id Youu Gofta Maje Fokl Sojebody Idf Yo Goftta Majke Sojmebody
Ifd You Gotfta Makje Fookl Somjebody Yoh Go5ta Maie Fo9l Sokebody Yohu Go5tta Maike Youh Got5ta Makie Foo9l Somkebody
Yo7 Gohta Makee Fo0l Sonebody Yo7u Gohtta Mak Sonmebody You7 Gothta Make Foo0l Somnebody Yok Goyta Maks Foll Someebody
Goytta Makse Sombody Youk Gotyta Makes Fooll Sombeody Yoi Go6ta Mak3 Foil Somsbody Go6tta Mak3e Somsebody
Youi Got6ta Make3 Fooil Somesbody Yo8 Gogta Makf Som3body Yo8u Gogtta Makfe Foo Som3ebody You8 Gotgta Makef Some3body
Yoj Gorta Makr Fook Somfbody Yoju Gortta Makre Somfebody Youj Gotrta Maker Foolk Somefbody Yoy Mak4 Fooo Somrbody
Yoyu Mak4e Somrebody Youy Gotat Make4 Foolo Somerbody Gotfa Makd Foop Som4body Makde Foopl Som4ebody
Gottfa Maked Foolp Some4body Got5a Makw Somdbody Makwe Somdebody Gott5a Makew Somedbody
Gotha Somwbody Somwebody Gottha Somewbody Gotya Somebbody

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