Human Drama
A Million Years

Push a pin into my arm
I will bleed like anyone
Pull it out and I forget

On a trail blazed with words
One that I was lost upon
The road that I depended on
I follow no more

Tortured man take your hand
Take it from the fire now
Place it in cool water

A hypocrite is one who prays
Only when he feels pain
It's time to open your eyes
So open your eyes

I could wait a million years
Look into a billion eyes
To find another love like this
I could wait a million years

The slamming door the unseen wall
The hurt I never could forget
I struggle to remember

And take my hand from the fire
Refusing all intended scars
You are cool water
Into you, I swim

I could wait a million years
Look into a billion eyes
To find another love like this
I could wait a million years

Held still in one place for too long
Gone blind to the miracle of saving
I pray this angel in my eyes
Was put here to save my life

Through your eyes I feel your soul
What I feel I must believe
What I believe I live
And this coming from a man who clenched
The truth so tight in his hands
Then opened to find evil
Found trusting
Love again

Mirror lyrics:

Love again
Found trusting
Then opened to find evil
The truth so tight in his hands
And this coming from a man who clenched
What I believe I live
What I feel I must believe
Through your eyes I feel your soul

Was put here to save my life
I pray this angel in my eyes
Gone blind to the miracle of saving
Held still in one place for too long

I could wait a million years
To find another love like this
Look into a billion eyes
I could wait a million years

Into you, I swim
You are cool water
Refusing all intended scars
And take my hand from the fire

I struggle to remember
The hurt I never could forget
The slamming door the unseen wall

I could wait a million years
To find another love like this
Look into a billion eyes
I could wait a million years

So open your eyes
It's time to open your eyes
Only when he feels pain
A hypocrite is one who prays

Place it in cool water
Take it from the fire now
Tortured man take your hand

I follow no more
The road that I depended on
One that I was lost upon
On a trail blazed with words

Pull it out and I forget
I will bleed like anyone
Push a pin into my arm

Relevant Tags:
AA MMillion YYears illion ears A iMllion eYars z jillion gears zA jMillion gYears Az Mjillion Ygears q killion hears
qA kMillion hYears Aq Mkillion Yhears s nillion 6ears sA nMillion 6Years As Mnillion Y6ears w Miillion uears wA Mllion uYears
Aw Mlilion Yuears x Mjllion 7ears xA 7Years Ax Mijllion Y7ears M9llion jears M9illion jYears Mi9llion Yjears
Mlllion tears Mlillion tYears Milllion Ytears Mollion Yeears Moillion Yars Miollion Yaers Mkllion Ysars
Ysears Mikllion Yesars M8llion Y3ars M8illion Y3ears Mi8llion Ye3ars Mullion Yfars Muillion Yfears
Miullion Yefars Yrars Milion Yrears Million Yerars Miklion Y4ars Y4ears Milklion Ye4ars
Miolion Ydars Ydears Milolion Yedars Miplion Ywars Mipllion Ywears Milplion Yewars Yeaars
Yers Mililon Yeras Milkion Yezrs Yezars Millkion Yeazrs

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