Hugh Cornwell
Miss Teazyweezy

Her hair it always looks a mess
She could be under stress
Miss Teazyweezy
Why do I let her get my goat
But she still gets my vote
She finds it easy
Miss Teazyweezy
She declares war on everyone
Be careful with your tongue
Miss Teazyweezy
You could call it civil defence
She's probably too tense
Miss Teazyweezy

Oh Miss Teazyweezy
See what you have done
Oh Miss Teazyweezy
She's only having fun

Her hair's a state declaring war
And life's a dreadful bore for Teazyweezy
South Africans can rock her jeep
By trying to be deep with Teazyweezy
With scissors ready in her hands
Nobody stands a chance she's so bloodthirsty
With dueling like you've never seen
Call her African Queen she'll do her worsty

Oh Miss Teazyweezy
See what you have done
Oh Miss Teazyweezy
She's only having fun

Mirror lyrics:

She's only having fun
Oh Miss Teazyweezy
See what you have done
Oh Miss Teazyweezy

Call her African Queen she'll do her worsty
With dueling like you've never seen
Nobody stands a chance she's so bloodthirsty
With scissors ready in her hands
By trying to be deep with Teazyweezy
South Africans can rock her jeep
And life's a dreadful bore for Teazyweezy
Her hair's a state declaring war

She's only having fun
Oh Miss Teazyweezy
See what you have done
Oh Miss Teazyweezy

Miss Teazyweezy
She's probably too tense
You could call it civil defence
Miss Teazyweezy
Be careful with your tongue
She declares war on everyone
Miss Teazyweezy
She finds it easy
But she still gets my vote
Why do I let her get my goat
Miss Teazyweezy
She could be under stress
Her hair it always looks a mess

Relevant Tags:
MMiss TTeazyweezy iss eazyweezy iMss eTazyweezy jiss feazyweezy jMiss fTeazyweezy Mjiss Tfeazyweezy kiss 5eazyweezy
kMiss 5Teazyweezy Mkiss T5eazyweezy niss heazyweezy nMiss hTeazyweezy Mniss Theazyweezy Miiss yeazyweezy Mss yTeazyweezy
Msis Tyeazyweezy Mjss 6eazyweezy 6Teazyweezy Mijss T6eazyweezy M9ss geazyweezy M9iss gTeazyweezy Mi9ss Tgeazyweezy
Mlss reazyweezy Mliss rTeazyweezy Milss Treazyweezy Moss Teeazyweezy Moiss Tazyweezy Mioss Taezyweezy Mkss Tsazyweezy
Tseazyweezy Mikss Tesazyweezy M8ss T3azyweezy M8iss T3eazyweezy Mi8ss Te3azyweezy Muss Tfazyweezy Muiss
Miuss Tefazyweezy Misss Trazyweezy Mis Miss Terazyweezy Mizs T4azyweezy Mizss T4eazyweezy Miszs Te4azyweezy
Miws Tdazyweezy Miwss Tdeazyweezy Misws Tedazyweezy Mids Twazyweezy Midss Tweazyweezy Misds Tewazyweezy Mies Teaazyweezy
Miess Tezyweezy Mises Tezayweezy Mixs Tezzyweezy Mixss Tezazyweezy Misxs Teazzyweezy Mias Teqzyweezy Miass Teqazyweezy
Misas Teaqzyweezy Teszyweezy Teaszyweezy Misz Tewzyweezy Missz Teawzyweezy Misw Texzyweezy Texazyweezy
Missw Teaxzyweezy Misd Teayweezy Missd Teayzweezy Mise Teaayweezy Misse Teazayweezy Misx Teasyweezy
Missx Teazsyweezy Misa Teaxyweezy Missa Teazxyweezy Teazyyweezy Teazweezy Teazwyeezy Teazgweezy
Teazgyweezy Teazygweezy Teazhweezy Teazhyweezy Teazyhweezy Teaz6weezy Teaz6yweezy
Teazy6weezy Teazuweezy Teazuyweezy Teazyuweezy

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