Hugh Cornwell
One Day At A Time

Hear people complaining
They say they got dealt the roughest deal
They cry when it's raining
No bread for the latest meal
But if there's no heaven
You can be sure there's no hell
And if there's no devil
There won't be no God to hear you yell

See people get holy
They're turning some plain water to wine
They're living life slowly
They can look up and see the day turn fine
But ask them the question and no answer is there
Whether you're Eastern or Western
There's only one pace that we can share

One day at a time

See people get sickly
The shock passes down from bad to worse
The backs up and prickly
Roll in a ball and pretend they got no purse
But if this continues where does it all end?
I'm in the retinue till I see broken wishes mend

One day at a time

So when you get lonely
Be good to yourself and bless the day
Know you are the only one who can deliver what I say
Try fighting the fever
Try popping a pill
Become a believer
Try separating life from still

One day at a time

Mirror lyrics:

One day at a time

Try separating life from still
Become a believer
Try popping a pill
Try fighting the fever
Know you are the only one who can deliver what I say
Be good to yourself and bless the day
So when you get lonely

One day at a time

I'm in the retinue till I see broken wishes mend
But if this continues where does it all end?
Roll in a ball and pretend they got no purse
The backs up and prickly
The shock passes down from bad to worse
See people get sickly

One day at a time

There's only one pace that we can share
Whether you're Eastern or Western
But ask them the question and no answer is there
They can look up and see the day turn fine
They're living life slowly
They're turning some plain water to wine
See people get holy

There won't be no God to hear you yell
And if there's no devil
You can be sure there's no hell
But if there's no heaven
No bread for the latest meal
They cry when it's raining
They say they got dealt the roughest deal
Hear people complaining

Relevant Tags:
OOne DDay AAt AA TTime ne ay t ime nOe aDy tA A iTme kne xay zt z fime kOne xDay zAt zA fTime Okne Dxay Azt Az Tfime
9ne eay qt q 5ime 9One eDay qAt qA 5Time O9ne Deay Aqt Aq T5ime 0ne fay st s hime 0One fDay sAt sA hTime O0ne Dfay Ast As Thime
lne ray wt w yime lOne rDay wAt wA yTime Olne Dray Awt Aw Tyime ine cay xt x 6ime iOne cDay xAt xA 6Time Oine Dcay Axt Ax T6ime
Onne say Att gime Oe sDay A gTime Oen Dsay At Tgime Ome Daay Af rime Omne Dy Aft rTime Onme Dya Atf Trime
Ohe Dzy A5 Tiime Ohne Dzay A5t Tme Onhe Dazy At5 Tmie Oje Dqy Ah Tjme Ojne Dqay Aht Tjime Onje Daqy Ath Tijme
Obe Dsy Ay T9me Obne Ayt T9ime Onbe Dasy Aty Ti9me Onee Dwy A6 Tlme On Dway A6t Tlime One Dawy At6 Tilme
Ons Dxy Ag Tome Onse Agt Toime Ones Daxy Atg Tiome On3 Dayy Ar Tkme On3e Da Art Tkime

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