Human League
Word Before Last

This man I saw
Was happy then
And then loved
And on TV well
But now he cried
And he cried
And of course he had to want to die
But he watched him
Which made it worse
Of course, of course, of course, of course

You understand
He didn't know
That it was someone else
Who looked the same
A similar voice taken
The clothes changed
But the face retained

Surrounded by
Old imagery
His brain bypassed
The eternal moment laid bare
No time to heal
Continual pain, continual pain, continual pain, continual pain

I spent a bad day yesterday
With a man and a picture of himself
The tape was running and the TV turned

Television : ...and described Mrs Thatcher's first three months in power as disastrous

Mirror lyrics:

Television : ...and described Mrs Thatcher's first three months in power as disastrous

The tape was running and the TV turned
With a man and a picture of himself
I spent a bad day yesterday

Continual pain, continual pain, continual pain, continual pain
No time to heal
The eternal moment laid bare
His brain bypassed
Old imagery
Surrounded by

But the face retained
The clothes changed
A similar voice taken
Who looked the same
That it was someone else
He didn't know
You understand

Of course, of course, of course, of course
Which made it worse
But he watched him
And of course he had to want to die
And he cried
But now he cried
And on TV well
And then loved
Was happy then
This man I saw

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3Word gBefore oLast W3ord Bgefore Loast dord nefore past dWord nBefore pLast Wdord Bnefore Lpast eord hefore Laast eWord hBefore Lst
Weord Bhefore Lsat sord Beefore Lzst sWord Bfore Lzast Wsord Bfeore Lazst 2ord Bsfore Lqst 2Word Bsefore Lqast W2ord Besfore Laqst
qord B3fore Lsst qWord B3efore Lsast Wqord Be3fore Lasst Woord Bffore Lwst Wrd Bfefore Lwast Wrod Beffore Lawst Wkrd Brfore Lxst
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Worrd Becore Laet Wod Becfore Laest Wodr Befcore Laset Wodd Berore Laxt Wodrd Wordd Befrore Lasxt Wo4d Begore Laat
Wo4rd Begfore Wor4d Befgore Lasat Wogd Betore Lastt Wogrd Betfore Las Worgd Beftore Last Wotd Bevore Lasf Wotrd Bevfore Lasft
Wortd Befvore Lastf Wo5d Bedore Las5 Wo5rd Las5t

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