Heaven Shall Burn
Whatever It May Take

One by one they fall - and I just close my eyes.
It won't be over soon - do you regret this time?
I thought so many things were certain.
So many friends turned to the ones I hate.
You fade away forever - the hands of time.
I wanna see the things just how they are feel them, like a child would do.
Will this kid in me will survive this process?
Narrowed minds - I'll burst your mental chains even, if I'll live like them - my heart is free.
I won't become a tool, a puppet.
I'll bite the hand that wants to feed me.
My will to live against your world of zombies.
Blindfold the eye, that watches all of us and even, if I live like them my heart is free.
I'll never walk your way - whatever it may take.
You never break my will - whatever it may take.

Mirror lyrics:

You never break my will - whatever it may take.
I'll never walk your way - whatever it may take.
Blindfold the eye, that watches all of us and even, if I live like them my heart is free.
My will to live against your world of zombies.
I'll bite the hand that wants to feed me.
I won't become a tool, a puppet.
Narrowed minds - I'll burst your mental chains even, if I'll live like them - my heart is free.
Will this kid in me will survive this process?
I wanna see the things just how they are feel them, like a child would do.
You fade away forever - the hands of time.
So many friends turned to the ones I hate.
I thought so many things were certain.
It won't be over soon - do you regret this time?
One by one they fall - and I just close my eyes.

Relevant Tags:
WWhatever IIt MMay TTake hatever t ay ake hWatever tI aMy aTke ahatever jt jay fake aWhatever jIt jMay fTake Wahatever Ijt Mjay Tfake
3hatever 9t kay 5ake 3Whatever 9It kMay 5Take W3hatever I9t Mkay T5ake dhatever lt nay hake dWhatever lIt nMay hTake Wdhatever Ilt Mnay Thake
ehatever ot Maay yake eWhatever oIt My yTake Wehatever Iot Mya Tyake shatever kt Mzy 6ake sWhatever kIt Mzay 6Take Wshatever Ikt Mazy T6ake
2hatever 8t Mqy gake 2Whatever 8It Mqay gTake W2hatever I8t Maqy Tgake qhatever ut Msy rake qWhatever uIt Msay rTake Wqhatever Iut Masy Trake
Whhatever Itt Mwy Taake Watever I Mway Tke Wahtever It Mawy Tkae Wjatever If Mxy Tzke Wjhatever Ift Mxay Tzake Whjatever Itf Maxy Tazke
Wuatever I5 Mayy Tqke Wuhatever I5t Ma Tqake Whuatever It5 May Taqke Wnatever Ih Mag Tske Wnhatever Iht Magy Tsake Whnatever Ith Mayg Taske
Wbatever Iy Mah Twke Wbhatever Iyt Mahy Twake Whbatever Ity Mayh Tawke Wgatever I6 Ma6 Txke Wghatever I6t Ma6y Txake Whgatever It6 May6 Taxke
Wyatever Ig Mau Takke Wyhatever Igt Mauy Tae Whyatever Itg Mayu Taek Whaatever Ir Ma7 Tale Whtever Irt Ma7y Talke Whtaever Itr May7 Takle
Whztever Maj Taoe Whzatever Majy Taoke Whaztever Mayj Takoe Whqtever Mat Tame Whqatever Maty Tamke Whaqtever Mayt Takme
Whstever Taje Whsatever Tajke Whastever Takje Whwtever Taie Whwatever Taike Whawtever Takie
Whxtever Takee Whxatever Tak Whaxtever Take Whattever Taks Whaever Takse Whaetver Takes
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Whahever Takr Whahtever Takre Whathever Taker Whayever Tak4 Whaytever Tak4e Whatyever Take4
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