Heaven's Daemon
This Wicked Place Called Earth


Here this place I dwell
I walk the Earth in pain
In this living Hell
of Satan's evil reign.
I strive to find some good
None comes my way
Can this be the end?
Is there no other way?

All this pain I see
I feel Inside my soul
It hurts to know
That there will be a toll
To make it to
The gates upon our rest
So sad that behind many will be left

He'll always wrong the right
His grip on us is tight
All we can do is pray
There is no other way

©2000-2003 Richard Alan Brodeur II

Mirror lyrics:

©2000-2003 Richard Alan Brodeur II

There is no other way
All we can do is pray
His grip on us is tight
He'll always wrong the right

So sad that behind many will be left
The gates upon our rest
To make it to
That there will be a toll
It hurts to know
I feel Inside my soul
All this pain I see

Is there no other way?
Can this be the end?
None comes my way
I strive to find some good
of Satan's evil reign.
In this living Hell
I walk the Earth in pain
Here this place I dwell


Relevant Tags:
TThis WWicked PPlace CCalled EEarth his icked lace alled arth hTis iWcked lPace aClled aErth fhis aicked 0lace falled sarth fThis aWicked 0Place fCalled sEarth
Tfhis Waicked P0lace Cfalled Esarth 5his 3icked llace xalled 3arth 5This 3Wicked lPlace xCalled 3Earth T5his W3icked Pllace Cxalled E3arth hhis dicked olace valled farth
hThis dWicked oPlace vCalled fEarth Thhis Wdicked Polace Cvalled Efarth yhis eicked dalled rarth yThis eWicked Pace dCalled rEarth Tyhis Weicked Palce Cdalled Erarth
6his sicked Pkace Caalled 4arth 6This sWicked Pklace Clled 4Earth T6his Wsicked Plkace Claled E4arth ghis 2icked Poace Czlled darth gThis 2Wicked Czalled dEarth
Tghis W2icked Ploace Cazlled Edarth rhis qicked Ppace Cqlled warth rThis qWicked Pplace Cqalled wEarth Trhis Wqicked Plpace Caqlled Ewarth Wiicked Plaace Cslled Eaarth
Tis Wcked Plce Csalled Erth Tihs Wciked Plcae Caslled Erath Tjis Wjcked Plzce Cwlled Ezrth Tjhis Wjicked Plzace Cwalled Ezarth Thjis Wijcked Plazce Cawlled Eazrth
Tuis W9cked Plqce Cxlled Eqrth Tuhis W9icked Plqace Eqarth Thuis Wi9cked Plaqce Caxlled Eaqrth Tnis Wlcked Plsce Callled Esrth Tnhis Wlicked Plsace Caled
Thnis Wilcked Plasce Called Easrth Tbis Wocked Plwce Cakled Ewrth Tbhis Woicked Plwace Caklled Thbis Wiocked Plawce Calkled Eawrth Tgis Wkcked Plxce Caoled Exrth
Wkicked Plxace Caolled Exarth Thgis Wikcked Plaxce Caloled Eaxrth Tyis W8cked Placce Capled Earrth W8icked Plae Caplled Eath Thyis Wi8cked Plaec Calpled Eatrh
Thiis Wucked Plafe Eadth Ths Wuicked Plafce Eadrth Thsi Wiucked Placfe Caleld Eardth Thjs Wiccked Plaxe Calked Ea4th Wiked Ea4rth
Thijs Wikced Placxe Callked Ear4th Th9s Wifked Plave Caloed Eagth Th9is Wifcked Plavce Eagrth Thi9s Wicfked Placve Calloed Eargth Thls Wixked Plade Calped Eatth
Thlis Wixcked Pladce Eatrth Thils Wicxked Placde Callped Eartth Thos Wivked Placee Calleed Ea5th Thois Wivcked Plac Calld Ea5rth Thios Wicvked Place Callde Ear5th
Thks Widked Placs Callsd Eafth

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