Heaven 17
The Foolish Thing To Do

I was thinking just the other day
How it started in such a strange way
It ended in a strange way too
And this is why I am singing this song for you

It's a foolish thing to do
Such a foolish thing to do
Give your heart to someone new
It's a foolish thing to do

We've all made the same mistakes
One foolish glance one smile we made
A hundred thousand feel this way
While other people are just waiting for the day

It's a foolish thing to do
Such a foolish foolish thing to do
Go when you want it
When you need it
Don't just believe it
For the first an last time
Stop !

You'd better look around
One day you'll walk into the room
Your eyes will meet
You'll fall in love too soon
The next time you might hesitate
The chance is all those rooms have eyes
So don't forget

It's a foolish thing to do
Such a such a foolish thing to do
To go and give your heart and soul to someone new
It's a foolish foolish thing to do
So when you feel it
When you can touch it
And you believe it
For the first an last time
Stop !
You'd better look around
It's a foolish thing to do
Such a foolish thing to do

Mirror lyrics:

Such a foolish thing to do
It's a foolish thing to do
You'd better look around
Stop !
For the first an last time
And you believe it
When you can touch it
So when you feel it
It's a foolish foolish thing to do
To go and give your heart and soul to someone new
Such a such a foolish thing to do
It's a foolish thing to do

So don't forget
The chance is all those rooms have eyes
The next time you might hesitate
You'll fall in love too soon
Your eyes will meet
One day you'll walk into the room
You'd better look around

Stop !
For the first an last time
Don't just believe it
When you need it
Go when you want it
Such a foolish foolish thing to do
It's a foolish thing to do

While other people are just waiting for the day
A hundred thousand feel this way
One foolish glance one smile we made
We've all made the same mistakes

It's a foolish thing to do
Give your heart to someone new
Such a foolish thing to do
It's a foolish thing to do

And this is why I am singing this song for you
It ended in a strange way too
How it started in such a strange way
I was thinking just the other day

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFoolish TThing TTo DDo he oolish hing o o hTe oFolish hTing oT oD fhe coolish fhing fo xo fThe cFoolish fThing fTo xDo Tfhe Fcoolish Tfhing Tfo Dxo
5he roolish 5hing 5o eo 5The rFoolish 5Thing 5To eDo T5he Froolish T5hing T5o Deo hhe goolish hhing ho fo hThe gFoolish hThing hTo fDo Thhe Fgoolish Thhing Tho Dfo
yhe toolish yhing yo ro yThe tFoolish yThing yTo rDo Tyhe Ftoolish Tyhing Tyo Dro 6he voolish 6hing 6o co 6The vFoolish 6Thing 6To cDo T6he Fvoolish T6hing T6o Dco
ghe doolish ghing go so gThe dFoolish gThing gTo sDo Tghe Fdoolish Tghing Tgo Dso rhe Fooolish rhing ro Doo rThe Folish rThing rTo D Trhe Foolish Trhing Tro Do
Fkolish Too Dk Te Fkoolish Ting T Dko Teh Fokolish Tihng To Dok Tje F9olish Tjing Tk D9 Tjhe F9oolish Tjhing Tko D9o Thje Fo9olish Thjing Tok Do9
Tue F0olish Tuing T9 D0 Tuhe F0oolish Tuhing T9o D0o Thue Fo0olish Thuing To9 Do0 Tne Flolish Tning T0 Dl Tnhe Floolish Tnhing T0o Dlo Thne Fololish Thning To0 Dol
Tbe Fiolish Tbing Tl Di Tbhe Fioolish Tbhing Tlo Dio Thbe Foiolish Thbing Tol Doi Tge Tging Ti Tio Thge Foloish Thging Toi
Tye Foklish Tying Thye Fooklish Thying Thee Fo9lish Thiing Th Thng The Foo9lish Thnig Ths Fo0lish Thjng
Thse Thes Foo0lish Thijng Th3 Follish Th9ng Th3e Th9ing The3 Foollish Thi9ng Thf Foilish Thlng
Thfe Thling Thef Fooilish Thilng Thr Thong Thre Fooish Thoing Ther Fooilsh Thiong Th4 Fookish Thkng

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