Heaven And Hell
Eating The Cannibals

I'm sure you've never had this meal before
We're still open stay and have some more
It's been raised upon your body and your soul
Total control
Plenty of seating
You know that you're eating the cannibals

Taking till you've got no more to give
Building boxes where you used to live
The word out on the street is no delay
Do it today

Come to the meeting
It's true that we're eating the cannibals

Don't close your eyes
We'll come while you're sleeping
You reached for the skies

Now we are calling
It's all falling down

Come on in we love our clientele
You're here to taste revenge
And so you shall
It's been raised upon your body and your bones
But now you're not alone
Enough with the greeting
'Cause soon you'll be
Eating the cannibals
Eating the cannibals

Mirror lyrics:

Eating the cannibals
Eating the cannibals
'Cause soon you'll be
Enough with the greeting
But now you're not alone
It's been raised upon your body and your bones
And so you shall
You're here to taste revenge
Come on in we love our clientele

It's all falling down
Now we are calling

You reached for the skies
We'll come while you're sleeping
Don't close your eyes

It's true that we're eating the cannibals
Come to the meeting

Do it today
The word out on the street is no delay
Building boxes where you used to live
Taking till you've got no more to give

You know that you're eating the cannibals
Plenty of seating
Total control
It's been raised upon your body and your soul
We're still open stay and have some more
I'm sure you've never had this meal before

Relevant Tags:
EEating TThe CCannibals ating he annibals aEting hTe aCnnibals sating fhe fannibals sEating fThe fCannibals Esating Tfhe Cfannibals
3ating 5he xannibals 3Eating 5The xCannibals E3ating T5he Cxannibals fating hhe vannibals fEating hThe vCannibals Efating Thhe Cvannibals
rating yhe dannibals rEating yThe dCannibals Erating Tyhe Cdannibals 4ating 6he Caannibals 4Eating 6The Cnnibals E4ating T6he Cnanibals
dating ghe Cznnibals dEating gThe Czannibals Edating Tghe Caznnibals wating rhe Cqnnibals wEating rThe Cqannibals Ewating Trhe Caqnnibals
Eaating Csnnibals Eting Te Csannibals Etaing Teh Casnnibals Ezting Tje Cwnnibals Ezating Tjhe Cwannibals Eazting Thje Cawnnibals
Eqting Tue Cxnnibals Eqating Tuhe Eaqting Thue Caxnnibals Esting Tne Cannnibals Tnhe Canibals Easting Thne Cannibals
Ewting Tbe Camnibals Tbhe Camnnibals Eawting Thbe Canmnibals Exting Tge Cahnibals Exating Cahnnibals Eaxting Thge Canhnibals
Eatting Tye Cajnibals Eaing Cajnnibals Eaitng Thye Canjnibals Eafing Thee Cabnibals Eafting Th Cabnnibals Eatfing The Canbnibals
Ea5ing Ths Ea5ting Thse Eat5ing Thes Caninbals Eahing Th3 Canmibals Eahting Th3e Eathing The3 Cannmibals
Eaying Thf Canhibals Eayting Thfe Eatying Thef Cannhibals Ea6ing Thr Canjibals Ea6ting Thre Eat6ing Ther Cannjibals
Eaging Th4 Canbibals Eagting Th4e Eatging The4 Cannbibals Earing Thd Canniibals Earting Thde Cannbals Eatring Thed Cannbials
Eatiing Thw Cannjbals Eatng Thwe Eatnig Thew Cannijbals Eatjng Cann9bals Eatjing Cann9ibals Eatijng Canni9bals

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