Heather Nova
Done Drifting

I'm done drifting, I'm ready for living
I'm done drifting, I'm ready for living
With you

And though the world is big and wide
What I want is peace inside
And though there's still so much to do
All I need is you

I'm done searching, I'm ready to dig in
I'm done searching, I'm ready for dig in
With you

And though we still have far to go
That's alright, we'll take it slow
And though the days are often long
With you here I can be strong

I'm done wishing, I'm ready to giving
I'm done wishing, I'm ready for giving
With you

And though the world is big and wide
What I want is peace inside
And though there's still so much to do
All I need is you

Mirror lyrics:

All I need is you
And though there's still so much to do
What I want is peace inside
And though the world is big and wide

With you
I'm done wishing, I'm ready for giving
I'm done wishing, I'm ready to giving

With you here I can be strong
And though the days are often long
That's alright, we'll take it slow
And though we still have far to go

With you
I'm done searching, I'm ready for dig in
I'm done searching, I'm ready to dig in

All I need is you
And though there's still so much to do
What I want is peace inside
And though the world is big and wide

With you
I'm done drifting, I'm ready for living
I'm done drifting, I'm ready for living

Relevant Tags:
DDone DDrifting one rifting oDne rDifting xone xrifting xDone xDrifting Dxone Dxrifting eone erifting eDone eDrifting Deone Derifting
fone frifting fDone fDrifting Dfone Dfrifting rone rrifting rDone rDrifting Drone Drrifting cone crifting cDone cDrifting Dcone Dcrifting
sone srifting sDone sDrifting Dsone Dsrifting Doone Dne Difting Dnoe Dirfting Dkne Ddifting Dkone Ddrifting Dokne Drdifting
D9ne D4ifting D9one D4rifting Do9ne Dr4ifting D0ne Dgifting D0one Dgrifting Do0ne Drgifting Dlne Dtifting Dlone Dtrifting Dolne Drtifting
Dine D5ifting Dione D5rifting Doine Dr5ifting Donne Dfifting Doe Doen Drfifting Dome Deifting Domne Donme Dreifting
Dohe Driifting Dohne Drfting Donhe Drfiting Doje Drjfting Dojne Drjifting Donje Drijfting Dobe Dr9fting Dobne Dr9ifting Donbe Dri9fting
Donee Drlfting Don Drlifting Done Drilfting Dons Drofting Donse Droifting Dones Driofting Don3 Drkfting Don3e Drkifting Done3 Drikfting
Donf Dr8fting Donfe Dr8ifting Donef Dri8fting Donr Drufting Donre Druifting Doner Driufting Don4 Driffting Don4e Driting Done4 Dritfing
Dond Dricting Donde Dricfting Doned Drifcting Donw Drirting Donwe Drirfting Donew Drifrting Drigting Drigfting Drifgting

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