Hecate Enthroned
A Graven Winter

Through the Darkening Tranquility,
the Entwining of Twin Passion in Deepest Love,
of one Vision of the Immortal Graveyard.
Centuries of Sleep on a Journey to my Rapture,
as I gaze up through Spellbinding Branches the Deepest Snow
falls thick Scorching into my Heart.
The most Supreme Vision of all, for the Sharpening of Deepest Midnight
in the Essence of Perpetual Winter... is my Journey complete?
The Breeding of Witchcraft shall Consume the Night, to Unite as One -

A Living Immortal Monument...

Mirror lyrics:

A Living Immortal Monument...

The Breeding of Witchcraft shall Consume the Night, to Unite as One -
in the Essence of Perpetual Winter... is my Journey complete?
The most Supreme Vision of all, for the Sharpening of Deepest Midnight
falls thick Scorching into my Heart.
as I gaze up through Spellbinding Branches the Deepest Snow
Centuries of Sleep on a Journey to my Rapture,
of one Vision of the Immortal Graveyard.
the Entwining of Twin Passion in Deepest Love,
Through the Darkening Tranquility,

Relevant Tags:
AA GGraven WWinter raven inter A rGaven iWnter z hraven ainter zA hGraven aWinter Az Ghraven Wainter q yraven 3inter
qA yGraven 3Winter Aq Gyraven W3inter s braven dinter sA bGraven dWinter As Gbraven Wdinter w vraven einter wA vGraven eWinter
Aw Gvraven Weinter x fraven sinter xA fGraven sWinter Ax Gfraven Wsinter traven 2inter tGraven 2Winter Gtraven W2inter
Grraven qinter Gaven qWinter Garven Wqinter Gdaven Wiinter Gdraven Wnter Grdaven Wniter G4aven Wjnter
G4raven Wjinter Gr4aven Wijnter Ggaven W9nter Ggraven W9inter Grgaven Wi9nter Gtaven Wlnter Wlinter
Grtaven Wilnter G5aven Wonter G5raven Wointer Gr5aven Wionter Gfaven Wknter Wkinter Grfaven Wiknter
Geaven W8nter Geraven W8inter Greaven Wi8nter Graaven Wunter Grven Wuinter Grvaen Wiunter Grzven Winnter
Grzaven Witer Grazven Witner Grqven Wimter Grqaven Wimnter Graqven Winmter Grsven Wihter Grsaven Wihnter
Grasven Winhter Grwven Wijter Grwaven Grawven Winjter Grxven Wibter Grxaven Wibnter Graxven Winbter

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