Heartless Bastards
Searching For The Ghost

Hotels and highway signs
Another book to pass the time
Empty cans and bottles lying
This room is almost like a shrine

You and I didn't end the place
We've all been looking for
We've been searching now forever
And it's right behind the door

And now I've been searching
Searching for the ghost
I saw an apparition once
A long, long time ago
Been searching now forever
And I've found it here today
And it's changed its meaning
But it still feels the same

Along the way we hit some bumps
Got cuts and bruises on our hearts
So what's knowing where we wanna go
But still get lost in every part
Nothing's ever easy
Easy for me
That's the way it's always been
The way it seems to me

And now I've been searching
Searching for the ghost
I saw an apparition once
A long, long time ago
Been searching now forever
And I've found it here today
And it's changed its meaning
But it still feels the same

Mirror lyrics:

But it still feels the same
And it's changed its meaning
And I've found it here today
Been searching now forever
A long, long time ago
I saw an apparition once
Searching for the ghost
And now I've been searching

The way it seems to me
That's the way it's always been
Easy for me
Nothing's ever easy
But still get lost in every part
So what's knowing where we wanna go
Got cuts and bruises on our hearts
Along the way we hit some bumps

But it still feels the same
And it's changed its meaning
And I've found it here today
Been searching now forever
A long, long time ago
I saw an apparition once
Searching for the ghost
And now I've been searching

And it's right behind the door
We've been searching now forever
We've all been looking for
You and I didn't end the place

This room is almost like a shrine
Empty cans and bottles lying
Another book to pass the time
Hotels and highway signs

Relevant Tags:
SSearching FFor TThe GGhost earching or he host eSarching oFr hTe hGost zearching cor fhe hhost zSearching cFor fThe hGhost Szearching Fcor Tfhe Ghhost
wearching ror 5he yhost wSearching rFor 5The yGhost Swearching Fror T5he Gyhost dearching gor hhe bhost dSearching gFor hThe bGhost Sdearching Fgor Thhe Gbhost
eearching tor yhe vhost eSearching tFor yThe vGhost Seearching Ftor Tyhe Gvhost xearching vor 6he fhost xSearching vFor 6The fGhost Sxearching Fvor T6he Gfhost
aearching dor ghe thost aSearching dFor gThe tGhost Saearching Fdor Tghe Gthost Foor rhe Sarching Fr rThe Gost Saerching Fro Trhe Gohst
Ssarching Fkr Gjost Ssearching Fkor Te Gjhost Sesarching Fokr Teh Ghjost S3arching F9r Tje Guost S3earching F9or Tjhe Guhost Se3arching Fo9r Thje Ghuost
Sfarching F0r Tue Gnost Sfearching F0or Tuhe Gnhost Sefarching Fo0r Thue Ghnost Srarching Flr Tne Gbost Srearching Flor Tnhe Serarching Folr Thne Ghbost
S4arching Fir Tbe Ggost S4earching Fior Tbhe Gghost Se4arching Foir Thbe Ghgost Sdarching Forr Tge Gyost Fo Sedarching For Thge Ghyost
Swarching Fod Tye Ghoost Fodr Ghst Sewarching Ford Thye Ghsot Seaarching Fo4 Thee Ghkst Serching Fo4r Th Ghkost Seraching For4 The Ghokst
Sezrching Fog Ths Gh9st Sezarching Fogr Thse Gh9ost Seazrching Forg Thes Gho9st Seqrching Fot Th3 Gh0st Seqarching Fotr Th3e Gh0ost Seaqrching Fort The3 Gho0st
Sesrching Fo5 Thf Ghlst Fo5r Thfe Ghlost Seasrching For5 Thef Gholst Sewrching Fof Thr Ghist Fofr Thre Ghiost Seawrching Forf Ther Ghoist
Sexrching Foe Th4 Ghosst Sexarching Foer Th4e Ghot Seaxrching Fore The4 Ghots Searrching Thd Ghozt Seaching Thde Ghozst Seacrhing Thed Ghoszt
Seadching Thw Ghowt Seadrching Thwe Ghowst Seardching Thew Ghoswt Sea4ching Ghodt Sea4rching Ghodst Sear4ching Ghosdt
Seagching Ghoet Seagrching Ghoest Seargching Ghoset Seatching Ghoxt Seatrching Ghoxst Seartching Ghosxt
Sea5ching Ghoat Sea5rching Ghoast Sear5ching Ghosat Seafching Ghostt Seafrching Ghos Searfching Ghost
Seaeching Ghosf Seaerching Ghosft

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