Sing Child

Sing Child
ALBUM · Dreamboat Annie (1976)

Sing child sing
Sing child sing
Melody maker
Giver and taker
He want to sing I know
Try it again
Sooner or later
He gonna break down and sing

Holy junkie
Funky monkey
Everybody calls him honey
He gonna sing I know
He don't want to play that game
He gotta play that game
Oh, honey, honey, honey,
You got to come down and sing

What will you ever do when you blow a fuse
Don't want to stay here
Honey roll
Sooner or later
You've gotta get down and sing
Sing child

Mirror lyrics:

Sing child
You've gotta get down and sing
Sooner or later
Honey roll
Don't want to stay here
What will you ever do when you blow a fuse

You got to come down and sing
Oh, honey, honey, honey,
He gotta play that game
He don't want to play that game
He gonna sing I know
Everybody calls him honey
Funky monkey
Holy junkie

He gonna break down and sing
Sooner or later
Try it again
He want to sing I know
Giver and taker
Melody maker
Sing child sing
Sing child sing

ALBUM · Dreamboat Annie (1976)
Sing Child

Relevant Tags:
SSing CChild ing hild iSng hCild zing fhild zSing fChild Szing Cfhild wing xhild wSing xChild Swing Cxhild ding vhild dSing vChild
Sding Cvhild eing dhild eSing dChild Seing Cdhild xing Chhild xSing Cild Sxing Cihld aing Cjild aSing Cjhild Saing Chjild Siing Cuild
Sng Cuhild Snig Chuild Sjng Cnild Sjing Cnhild Sijng Chnild S9ng Cbild S9ing Cbhild Si9ng Chbild Slng Cgild Sling Cghild Silng Chgild
Song Cyild Soing Cyhild Siong Chyild Skng Chiild Sking Chld Sikng Chlid S8ng Chjld S8ing Si8ng Chijld Sung Ch9ld Suing Ch9ild

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