Dream Of The Archer

wayfaring warrior soul- still wild
the archer stands
arrow measured to the goal- sing of
strong and living man
in his mind there is a vision wand'ring
through the forest town
telling of riches only given if through the woods
the way is found

crying 'ah! beautiful dancers.. wake up
from your sleep!
ahh! gentle romacers.. drink of love so sweet!'

treasure glowing in their eyes- forest deepends
dark their dream
'keep to the pathways,' he advised, 'the woods are
more than they might seem'
'heed you now the apparition bending never ending
calling you into her mystery- are your eyes
nor sparkling now?'

sighing 'ahh, take you no warning- make no
foolish fight
ahh, think not of morning- lie here
through the night'

'beauty take us!' they call 'in my arms!'
they hear her say
silken web falls- mist illusion rips away
'helpless! helpless!' now they scream
helpless on the path he stands
and awakens from his dream singing string
beneath his hand

gentle archer ages old- release the aim
free the goal
roll your arrow to my soul- release the aim
free the goal

Mirror lyrics:

free the goal
roll your arrow to my soul- release the aim
free the goal
gentle archer ages old- release the aim

beneath his hand
and awakens from his dream singing string
helpless on the path he stands
'helpless! helpless!' now they scream
silken web falls- mist illusion rips away
they hear her say
'beauty take us!' they call 'in my arms!'

through the night'
ahh, think not of morning- lie here
foolish fight
sighing 'ahh, take you no warning- make no

nor sparkling now?'
calling you into her mystery- are your eyes
'heed you now the apparition bending never ending
more than they might seem'
'keep to the pathways,' he advised, 'the woods are
dark their dream
treasure glowing in their eyes- forest deepends

ahh! gentle romacers.. drink of love so sweet!'
from your sleep!
crying 'ah! beautiful dancers.. wake up

the way is found
telling of riches only given if through the woods
through the forest town
in his mind there is a vision wand'ring
strong and living man
arrow measured to the goal- sing of
the archer stands
wayfaring warrior soul- still wild

Relevant Tags:
DDream OOf TThe AArcher ream f he rcher rDeam fO hTe rAcher xream kf fhe zrcher xDream kOf fThe zArcher Dxream Okf Tfhe Azrcher
eream 9f 5he qrcher eDream 9Of 5The qArcher Deream O9f T5he Aqrcher fream 0f hhe srcher fDream 0Of hThe sArcher Dfream O0f Thhe Asrcher
rream lf yhe wrcher rDream lOf yThe wArcher Drream Olf Tyhe Awrcher cream if 6he xrcher cDream iOf 6The xArcher Dcream Oif T6he Axrcher
sream Off ghe Arrcher sDream O gThe Acher Dsream Of Tghe Acrher Oc rhe Adcher Deam Ocf rThe Adrcher Deram Ofc Trhe Ardcher
Ddeam Or A4cher Ddream Orf Te A4rcher Drdeam Ofr Teh Ar4cher D4eam Og Tje Agcher D4ream Ogf Tjhe Agrcher Dr4eam Ofg Thje Argcher
Dgeam Ot Tue Atcher Dgream Otf Tuhe Atrcher Drgeam Oft Thue Artcher Dteam Ov Tne A5cher Dtream Ovf Tnhe A5rcher Drteam Ofv Thne Ar5cher
D5eam Od Tbe Afcher D5ream Odf Tbhe Afrcher Dr5eam Ofd Thbe Arfcher Dfeam Tge Aecher Aercher Drfeam Thge Arecher
Deeam Tye Arccher Arher Dreeam Thye Arhcer Thee Arfher Dram Th Draem The Arcfher
Drsam Ths Arxher Drseam Thse Arxcher Dresam Thes Arcxher Dr3am Th3 Arvher Dr3eam Th3e Arvcher Dre3am The3 Arcvher
Drfam Thf Ardher Thfe Drefam Thef Arcdher Drram Thr Archher Thre Arcer Dreram Ther Arcehr

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