Pure And Simple

You've been saying that I'm driving you crazy,
And I haven't been around for you lately,
But I had a few things on my mind.
When I'm with you I am filled with emotion,
Can't you see that I'm giving you devotion,
And a love like this is hard to find.


I know I've been walkin' around in a daze,
Baby, Baby,
You gotta believe me when I say,
A ooh, ooh,

Wherever you go, I'm gonna be there,
Whatever you do, You know I'm gonna be there,
It's pure and simple, a yeah yeah,
I'll be there for you,
Pure and simple gonna be there,
Whatever it takes, I'm gonna be there,
I swear it's true, you know I'm gonna be there,
It's pure and simple, a yeah yeah,
I'll be there for you,
Pure and simple gonna be there.

I'll be there through the stormiest weather,
Always trying to make things a bit better,
And I know I gotta try and get through to you.
You can love me in a way like no other,
But the situation's taking you under,
So you need to tell me now what you wanna do. yeah.


I'll always be there for you baby,
You know that I'll always be around,
(I'm gonna be there)
Oh yeah,
(you know I'm always gonna be there)
I'll always be there for you honey,
You know I'll never let you down,
A ooh, ooh
Cos you're the only one for me,
yeah yeah yeah....
Baby, baby,
Baby, Baby,


Mirror lyrics:


Baby, Baby,
Baby, baby,
yeah yeah yeah....
Cos you're the only one for me,
A ooh, ooh
You know I'll never let you down,
I'll always be there for you honey,
(you know I'm always gonna be there)
Oh yeah,
(I'm gonna be there)
You know that I'll always be around,
I'll always be there for you baby,


So you need to tell me now what you wanna do. yeah.
But the situation's taking you under,
You can love me in a way like no other,
And I know I gotta try and get through to you.
Always trying to make things a bit better,
I'll be there through the stormiest weather,

Pure and simple gonna be there.
I'll be there for you,
It's pure and simple, a yeah yeah,
I swear it's true, you know I'm gonna be there,
Whatever it takes, I'm gonna be there,
Pure and simple gonna be there,
I'll be there for you,
It's pure and simple, a yeah yeah,
Whatever you do, You know I'm gonna be there,
Wherever you go, I'm gonna be there,

A ooh, ooh,
You gotta believe me when I say,
Baby, Baby,
I know I've been walkin' around in a daze,


And a love like this is hard to find.
Can't you see that I'm giving you devotion,
When I'm with you I am filled with emotion,
But I had a few things on my mind.
And I haven't been around for you lately,
You've been saying that I'm driving you crazy,

Relevant Tags:
PPure AAnd SSimple ure nd imple uPre nAd iSmple 0ure znd zimple 0Pure zAnd zSimple P0ure Aznd Szimple lure qnd wimple
lPure qAnd wSimple Plure Aqnd Swimple oure snd dimple oPure sAnd dSimple Poure Asnd Sdimple Puure wnd eimple Pre wAnd eSimple
Prue Awnd Seimple Phre xnd ximple Phure xAnd xSimple Puhre Axnd Sximple P7re Annd aimple P7ure Ad aSimple Pu7re Adn Saimple
Pkre Amd Siimple Pkure Amnd Smple Pukre Anmd Smiple Pire Ahd Sjmple Piure Ahnd Sjimple Puire Anhd Sijmple P8re Ajd S9mple
P8ure Ajnd S9imple Pu8re Anjd Si9mple Pjre Abd Slmple Pjure Abnd Slimple Pujre Anbd Silmple Pyre Andd Somple Pyure An Soimple
Puyre And Siomple Purre Anx Skmple Pue Anxd Skimple Puer Andx Sikmple Pude Ane S8mple Pudre Aned S8imple Purde Ande Si8mple
Pu4e Anf Sumple Pu4re Anfd Suimple Pur4e Andf Siumple Puge Anr Simmple Pugre Anrd Siple Purge Andr Sipmle Pute Anc Sijple
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