Heather Myles
The Love You Left Behind

(Heather Myles)

Left a little something here at home
It'll be here when you get back from the road
Didn't write no letter didn't tell you on the phone
I think it's something you really want to know.

You left a little love growing inside of me
Can you feel it can you see
There's a glow in my eye
It's nice to know I've got this little love you left behind.

Feel you with me every day
Could be a thousand miles away
Highway's always haunted me
Now I've got somethin' to ease my misery.

You left a little love growing inside of me
Can you feel it can you see
There's a glow in my eye
It's nice to know I've got this little love you left behind.

--- Instrumental ---

No matter where our roads might lead
You'll always be a part of me.

You left a little love growing inside of me
Can you feel it can you see
There's a glow in my eye
It's nice to know I've got this little love you left behind...

Mirror lyrics:

It's nice to know I've got this little love you left behind...
There's a glow in my eye
Can you feel it can you see
You left a little love growing inside of me

You'll always be a part of me.
No matter where our roads might lead

--- Instrumental ---

It's nice to know I've got this little love you left behind.
There's a glow in my eye
Can you feel it can you see
You left a little love growing inside of me

Now I've got somethin' to ease my misery.
Highway's always haunted me
Could be a thousand miles away
Feel you with me every day

It's nice to know I've got this little love you left behind.
There's a glow in my eye
Can you feel it can you see
You left a little love growing inside of me

I think it's something you really want to know.
Didn't write no letter didn't tell you on the phone
It'll be here when you get back from the road
Left a little something here at home

(Heather Myles)

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLove YYou LLeft BBehind he ove ou eft ehind hTe oLve oYu eLft eBhind fhe kove gou keft vehind fThe kLove gYou kLeft vBehind Tfhe Lkove Ygou Lkeft Bvehind
5he oove hou oeft gehind 5The oLove hYou oLeft gBehind T5he Loove Yhou Loeft Bgehind hhe pove 6ou peft nehind hThe pLove 6You pLeft nBehind Thhe Lpove Y6ou Lpeft Bnehind
yhe uou Leeft hehind yThe Lve uYou Lft hBehind Tyhe Lvoe Yuou Lfet Bhehind 6he Lkve 7ou Lsft Beehind 6The 7You Lseft Bhind T6he Lokve Y7ou Lesft Bheind
ghe L9ve jou L3ft Bshind gThe L9ove jYou L3eft Bsehind Tghe Lo9ve Yjou Le3ft Beshind rhe L0ve tou Lfft B3hind rThe L0ove tYou Lfeft B3ehind Trhe Lo0ve Ytou Lefft Be3hind
Llve Yoou Lrft Bfhind Te Llove Yu Lreft Bfehind Teh Lolve Yuo Lerft Befhind Tje Live Yku L4ft Brhind Tjhe Liove Ykou L4eft Brehind Thje Loive Yoku Le4ft Berhind
Tue Lovve Y9u Ldft B4hind Tuhe Loe Y9ou Ldeft B4ehind Thue Loev Yo9u Ledft Be4hind Tne Lobe Y0u Lwft Bdhind Tnhe Lobve Y0ou Lweft Bdehind Thne Lovbe Yo0u Lewft Bedhind
Tbe Loce Ylu Bwhind Tbhe Locve Ylou Let Bwehind Thbe Lovce Yolu Letf Bewhind Tge Loge Yiu Lect Behhind Logve Yiou Lecft Beind Thge Lovge Yoiu Lefct Beihnd
Tye Lofe Youu Lert Bejind Lofve Yo Bejhind Thye Lovfe You Lefrt Behjind Thee Lovee Yoh Legt Beuind Th Lov Yohu Legft Beuhind The Love Youh Lefgt Behuind
Ths Lovs Yo7 Lett Benind Thse Lovse Yo7u Letft Benhind Thes Loves You7 Leftt Behnind Th3 Lov3 Yok Levt Bebind Th3e Lov3e Levft Bebhind The3 Love3 Youk Lefvt Behbind
Thf Lovf Yoi Ledt Begind Thfe Beghind Thef Lovef Youi Lefdt Behgind Thr Lovr Yo8 Beyind Thre Lovre Yo8u Lef Beyhind

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