Hazell Dean
Only Here For A Little While

I'm gonna hold who needs holdin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Walk what needs walkin'
Though it means an extra mile
Pray what needs prayin'
Say what needs sayin'
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

Today I stood singin' songs and sayin', Amen
Saying goodbye to an old friend who seemed so young
He spent his life workin' hard to chase a dollar
Putting off until tomorrow the things he should have done
Made me stop and think, What's the hurry, why the runnin'?
I don't like what I'm becoming, gonna change my style
Take my time and not take it all for granted
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

Gonna hold who needs holdin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Walk what needs walkin'
Though it means an extra mile
Pray what needs prayin'
Say what needs sayin'
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

--- Instrumental ---

Let me love like I'll never see tomorrow
Treat each day as though it's borrowed
Like it's precious as a child
Whoa, take my hand
Let us reach out to each other
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

Gonna hold who needs holdin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Walk what needs walkin'
Though it means an extra mile
Pray what needs prayin'
Say what needs sayin'
'Cause we're only here for a little while.

Gonna hold who needs holdin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Walk what needs walkin'
Though it means an extra mile
Pray what needs prayin'
Say what needs sayin'
'Cause we're only here for a little while...

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause we're only here for a little while...
Say what needs sayin'
Pray what needs prayin'
Though it means an extra mile
Walk what needs walkin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Gonna hold who needs holdin'

'Cause we're only here for a little while.
Say what needs sayin'
Pray what needs prayin'
Though it means an extra mile
Walk what needs walkin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Gonna hold who needs holdin'

'Cause we're only here for a little while.
Let us reach out to each other
Whoa, take my hand
Like it's precious as a child
Treat each day as though it's borrowed
Let me love like I'll never see tomorrow

--- Instrumental ---

'Cause we're only here for a little while.
Say what needs sayin'
Pray what needs prayin'
Though it means an extra mile
Walk what needs walkin'
Mend what needs mendin'
Gonna hold who needs holdin'

'Cause we're only here for a little while.
Take my time and not take it all for granted
I don't like what I'm becoming, gonna change my style
Made me stop and think, What's the hurry, why the runnin'?
Putting off until tomorrow the things he should have done
He spent his life workin' hard to chase a dollar
Saying goodbye to an old friend who seemed so young
Today I stood singin' songs and sayin', Amen

'Cause we're only here for a little while.
Say what needs sayin'
Pray what needs prayin'
Though it means an extra mile
Walk what needs walkin'
Mend what needs mendin'
I'm gonna hold who needs holdin'

Relevant Tags:
OOnly HHere FFor AA LLittle WWhile nly ere or ittle hile nOly eHre oFr A iLttle hWile knly jere cor z kittle ahile kOnly jHere cFor zA kLittle aWhile
Oknly Hjere Fcor Az Lkittle Wahile 9nly uere ror q oittle 3hile 9Only uHere rFor qA oLittle 3While O9nly Huere Fror Aq Loittle W3hile 0nly nere gor s pittle dhile
0Only nHere gFor sA pLittle dWhile O0nly Hnere Fgor As Lpittle Wdhile lnly bere tor w Liittle ehile lOnly bHere tFor wA Lttle eWhile Olnly Hbere Ftor Aw Ltitle Wehile
inly gere vor x Ljttle shile iOnly gHere vFor xA Ljittle sWhile Oinly Hgere Fvor Ax Lijttle Wshile Onnly yere dor L9ttle 2hile Oly yHere dFor L9ittle 2While
Olny Hyere Fdor Li9ttle W2hile Omly Heere Foor Llttle qhile Omnly Hre Fr Llittle qWhile Onmly Hree Fro Lilttle Wqhile Ohly Hsre Fkr Lottle Whhile
Ohnly Hsere Fkor Wile Onhly Hesre Fokr Liottle Wihle Ojly H3re F9r Lkttle Wjile Ojnly H3ere F9or Wjhile Onjly He3re Fo9r Likttle Whjile
Obly Hfre F0r L8ttle Wuile Obnly Hfere F0or L8ittle Wuhile Onbly Hefre Fo0r Li8ttle Whuile Onlly Hrre Flr Luttle Wnile Ony Hrere Flor Luittle Wnhile
Onyl Herre Folr Liuttle Whnile Onky H4re Fir Litttle Wbile Onkly H4ere Fior Litle Wbhile Onlky He4re Foir Little Whbile Onoy Hdre Forr Liftle Wgile
Onoly Hdere Fo Lifttle Wghile Onloy Hedre For Litftle Whgile Onpy Hwre Fod Li5tle Wyile Onply Hwere Fodr Li5ttle Wyhile Onlpy Hewre Ford Lit5tle Whyile
Onlyy Fo4 Lihtle Whiile Onl Hee Fo4r Lihttle Whle Only Heer For4 Lithtle Whlie Onlg Hede Fog Liytle Whjle Onlgy Fogr Liyttle
Onlyg Herde Forg Litytle Whijle Onlh He4e Fot Li6tle Wh9le Onlhy Fotr Li6ttle Wh9ile Onlyh Her4e Fort Lit6tle Whi9le

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