Hazell Dean
I've Had Enough

I was only four when my father left home.
Little baby sister, mama and me.
They were only children when they got married.
How they gonna raise a family?

Daddy got a job in a canned good factory
Working like a fool day after day.
Coming home to tv thrills and doctor bills
Till he had to take a cut in pay. he said,

I've had enough. i've had enough.
I've had enough. i've had enough.

I was always trouble when i was in school.
Someone always making me tow the line.
Finally went and told the bastard where to go.
He can get theirs, but he can't touch mine.

I was in the army when i was sixteen.
All the rain i thought it would never stop
Brought away an armload of souvenirs and
Now you know i still can't find a job. i said,

I've had enough. i've had enough.
I've had enough. i've had enough.

Help me. help me. help me. help me. i don't want to hurt.
I have always done my best. but nothing seems to work. nothing seems to work.

I was never asking for charity,
Only that i get what i have earned
And that i be treated with respect
And god knows why but you've still not learned.

I am not a liar or insincere.
I have always treated you people fair.
There were times i turned my whole self inside out but damn it
You never seemed to care. now,

I've had enough. i've had enough.
I've had enough. i've had enough.

Mirror lyrics:

I've had enough. i've had enough.
I've had enough. i've had enough.

You never seemed to care. now,
There were times i turned my whole self inside out but damn it
I have always treated you people fair.
I am not a liar or insincere.

And god knows why but you've still not learned.
And that i be treated with respect
Only that i get what i have earned
I was never asking for charity,

I have always done my best. but nothing seems to work. nothing seems to work.
Help me. help me. help me. help me. i don't want to hurt.

I've had enough. i've had enough.
I've had enough. i've had enough.

Now you know i still can't find a job. i said,
Brought away an armload of souvenirs and
All the rain i thought it would never stop
I was in the army when i was sixteen.

He can get theirs, but he can't touch mine.
Finally went and told the bastard where to go.
Someone always making me tow the line.
I was always trouble when i was in school.

I've had enough. i've had enough.
I've had enough. i've had enough.

Till he had to take a cut in pay. he said,
Coming home to tv thrills and doctor bills
Working like a fool day after day.
Daddy got a job in a canned good factory

How they gonna raise a family?
They were only children when they got married.
Little baby sister, mama and me.
I was only four when my father left home.

Relevant Tags:
II've HHad EEnough 've ad nough 'Ive aHd nEough j've jad snough jI've jHad sEnough Ij've Hjad Esnough 9've uad 3nough
9I've uHad 3Enough I9've Huad E3nough l've nad fnough lI've nHad fEnough Il've Hnad Efnough o've bad rnough oI've bHad rEnough
Io've Hbad Ernough k've gad 4nough kI've gHad 4Enough Ik've Hgad E4nough 8've yad dnough 8I've yHad dEnough I8've Hyad Ednough
u've Haad wnough uI've Hd wEnough Iu've Hda Ewnough I''ve Hzd Ennough Ive Hzad Eough Iv'e Hazd Eonugh I'vve Hqd Emough
I'e Hqad Emnough I'ev Haqd Enmough I'be Hsd Ehough I'bve Hsad Ehnough I'vbe Hasd Enhough I'ce Hwd Ejough I'cve Hwad Ejnough
I'vce Hawd Enjough I'ge Hxd Ebough I'gve Hxad Ebnough I'vge Haxd Enbough I'fe Hadd Enoough I'fve Ha Enugh I'vfe Had Enuogh
I'vee Hax Enkugh I'v Enkough I've Hadx Enokugh I'vs Hae En9ugh I'vse Haed En9ough I'ves Hade Eno9ugh I'v3 Haf En0ugh
I'v3e Hafd En0ough I've3 Hadf Eno0ugh I'vf Har Enlugh Hard Enlough I'vef Hadr Enolugh I'vr Hac Eniugh I'vre Hacd Eniough
I'ver Hadc Enoiugh I'v4 Has Enouugh

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