Hazell Dean
New Lang Syne

There goes another year. champagne and resolutions.
Those hard to find solutions, suddenly crystal clear.
Watching the ball descending, life goes on, never ending.
Cherish the time we're spending before it disappears.

The year's end is here again.
A brand new one has just begun.
And all our friends, and loved ones too,
We share your hopes and dreams with you.

See how our lives are measured by planets and constellations,
By sorrows and celebrations; yet, one thing still holds true...
Searching for love's affection, suffering love's rejections,
With all of its imperfections, nothing else will do.

The year's end is here again.
A brand new one has just begun.
And all our friends, and loved ones too,
We share your hopes and dreams with you.

Here's to a healthy year, with happiness and good fortune.
To each an ample portion of laughter and good cheer.
And, as you face tomorrow, may it be free of sorrow.
Life is but ours to borrow, so hold each moment dear.

The year's end is here again.
A brand new one has just begun.
And all our friends, and loved ones too,
We share your hopes and dreams with you.
With you.

Mirror lyrics:

With you.
We share your hopes and dreams with you.
And all our friends, and loved ones too,
A brand new one has just begun.
The year's end is here again.

Life is but ours to borrow, so hold each moment dear.
And, as you face tomorrow, may it be free of sorrow.
To each an ample portion of laughter and good cheer.
Here's to a healthy year, with happiness and good fortune.

We share your hopes and dreams with you.
And all our friends, and loved ones too,
A brand new one has just begun.
The year's end is here again.

With all of its imperfections, nothing else will do.
Searching for love's affection, suffering love's rejections,
By sorrows and celebrations; yet, one thing still holds true...
See how our lives are measured by planets and constellations,

We share your hopes and dreams with you.
And all our friends, and loved ones too,
A brand new one has just begun.
The year's end is here again.

Cherish the time we're spending before it disappears.
Watching the ball descending, life goes on, never ending.
Those hard to find solutions, suddenly crystal clear.
There goes another year. champagne and resolutions.

Relevant Tags:
NNew LLang SSyne ew ang yne eNw aLng ySne mew kang zyne mNew kLang zSyne Nmew Lkang Szyne hew oang wyne hNew oLang wSyne Nhew Loang Swyne
jew pang dyne jNew pLang dSyne Njew Lpang Sdyne bew Laang eyne bNew Lng eSyne Nbew Lnag Seyne Neew Lzng xyne Nw Lzang xSyne Nwe Lazng Sxyne
Nsw Lqng ayne Nsew Lqang aSyne Nesw Laqng Sayne N3w Lsng Syyne N3ew Lsang Sne Ne3w Lasng Snye Nfw Lwng Sgne Nfew Lwang Sgyne Nefw Lawng Sygne
Nrw Lxng Shne Nrew Lxang Shyne Nerw Laxng Syhne N4w Lanng S6ne N4ew Lag S6yne Ne4w Lagn Sy6ne Ndw Lamg Sune Ndew Lamng Suyne Nedw Lanmg Syune
Nww Lahg S7ne Nwew Lahng S7yne Neww Lanhg Sy7ne Lajg Sjne Ne Lajng Sjyne

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