Hazell Dean
If I Could Find The Heart (to Love Again)

If I could find the heart to love again
Wouldn't make the same mistakes I did back then
I wouldn't write a day
Or let a moment slip away
To tell her just how much she means to me.

If I could find the one I've waited for
Wouldn't take her love for granted like before
I'd try to recognize
The "want to" in her eyes
And her hopes and dreams I'd hold so carefully
I wouldn't let it fall apart
If I Could find the heart to love again.
If I could find the heart to love again.

I really wouldn't know where to begin
Time is passin' by
Still I'm to afraid to try
If only I could trust like I did then
I would make a brand new start
If I could find the heart to love again.

'Cause what I'm searchin' for
Is that special kind of love
They're just not makin' anymore
That lasts through all the years
The kind of love that lives
Beyond the laughter and the tears.

So I'll just keep on lookin' round the bend
And someday soon I'll reach my journey's end
Together we will grow
With a love we've come to know
And promises we'll keep eternally
I wouldn't let it fall apart
I would make a brand new start
If I could find the heart to love again.
If I could find the heart to love again...

Mirror lyrics:

If I could find the heart to love again...
If I could find the heart to love again.
I would make a brand new start
I wouldn't let it fall apart
And promises we'll keep eternally
With a love we've come to know
Together we will grow
And someday soon I'll reach my journey's end
So I'll just keep on lookin' round the bend

Beyond the laughter and the tears.
The kind of love that lives
That lasts through all the years
They're just not makin' anymore
Is that special kind of love
'Cause what I'm searchin' for

If I could find the heart to love again.
I would make a brand new start
If only I could trust like I did then
Still I'm to afraid to try
Time is passin' by
I really wouldn't know where to begin

If I could find the heart to love again.
If I Could find the heart to love again.
I wouldn't let it fall apart
And her hopes and dreams I'd hold so carefully
The "want to" in her eyes
I'd try to recognize
Wouldn't take her love for granted like before
If I could find the one I've waited for

To tell her just how much she means to me.
Or let a moment slip away
I wouldn't write a day
Wouldn't make the same mistakes I did back then
If I could find the heart to love again

Relevant Tags:
IIf II CCould FFind TThe HHeart ((to LLove AAgain) f ould ind he eart to ove gain) fI I oCuld iFnd hTe eHart t(o oLve gAain)
jf j fould cind fhe jeart (tto kove zgain) jIf jI fCould cFind fThe jHeart (o kLove zAgain) Ijf Ij Cfould Fcind Tfhe Hjeart (ot Lkove Azgain)
9f 9 xould rind 5he ueart (fo oove qgain) 9If 9I xCould rFind 5The uHeart (fto oLove qAgain) I9f I9 Cxould Frind T5he Hueart (tfo Loove Aqgain)
lf l vould gind hhe neart (5o pove sgain) lIf lI vCould gFind hThe nHeart (5to pLove sAgain) Ilf Il Cvould Fgind Thhe Hneart (t5o Lpove Asgain)
of o dould tind yhe beart (ho wgain) oIf oI dCould tFind yThe bHeart (hto Lve wAgain) Iof Io Cdould Ftind Tyhe Hbeart (tho Lvoe Awgain)
kf k Coould vind 6he geart (yo Lkve xgain) kIf kI Culd vFind 6The gHeart (yto xAgain) Ikf Ik Cuold Fvind T6he Hgeart (tyo Lokve Axgain)
8f 8 Ckuld dind ghe yeart (6o L9ve Aggain) 8If 8I Ckould dFind gThe yHeart (6to L9ove Aain) I8f I8 Cokuld Fdind Tghe Hyeart (t6o Lo9ve Aagin)
uf u C9uld Fiind rhe Heeart (go L0ve Ahain) uIf uI C9ould Fnd rThe Hart (gto L0ove Ahgain) Iuf Iu Co9uld Fnid Trhe Haert (tgo Lo0ve Aghain)
Iff C0uld Fjnd Hsart (ro Llve Ayain) I C0ould Fjind Te Hseart (rto Llove Aygain) If Co0uld Fijnd Teh Hesart (tro Lolve Agyain)
Ic Cluld F9nd Tje H3art (too Live Abain) Icf Clould F9ind Tjhe H3eart (t Liove Abgain) Ifc Coluld Fi9nd Thje He3art (to Loive Agbain)
Ir Ciuld Flnd Tue Hfart (tk Lovve Avain) Irf Ciould Flind Tuhe Hfeart (tko Loe Avgain) Ifr Coiuld Filnd Thue Hefart (tok Loev Agvain)
Ig Couuld Fond Tne Hrart (t9 Lobe Afain) Igf Cold Foind Tnhe Hreart (t9o Lobve Afgain) Ifg Colud Fiond Thne Herart (to9 Lovbe Agfain)
It Cohld Fknd Tbe H4art (t0 Loce Atain) Itf Cohuld Fkind Tbhe H4eart (t0o Locve Atgain) Ift Couhld Fiknd Thbe He4art (to0 Lovce Agtain)
Iv Co7ld F8nd Tge Hdart (tl Loge Agaain) Ivf Co7uld F8ind Hdeart (tlo Logve Agin) Ifv Cou7ld Fi8nd Thge Hedart (tol Lovge Agian)
Id Cokld Fund Tye Hwart (ti Lofe Agzin) Idf Fuind Hweart (tio Lofve Agzain) Ifd Coukld Fiund Thye Hewart (toi Lovfe Agazin)
Coild Finnd Thee Heaart Lovee Agqin) Fid Th Hert Lov Agqain) Couild Fidn The Herat Love Agaqin)
Co8ld Fimd Ths Hezrt Lovs Agsin) Co8uld Fimnd Thse Hezart Lovse Agsain) Cou8ld Finmd Thes Heazrt Loves Agasin)
Cojld Fihd Th3 Heqrt Lov3 Agwin)

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