The Madness Of The Crowds

Sightless the one who relys on promise
Blind he who follows the path of vows
Deaf he who tolerates words of deception
But they who fathom the truth bellow
Shout! Shout!The madness of the crowds hail insane
The madness of the game
Guilty the one with his silent knowledge
Exploiting innocence for himself
Dangerous he whom our faith was given
Broad is the road leading straight to hell
Shout! Shout!The madness of the crowds hail insane
The madness of the game
Dangerous he whom our faith was given
Broad is the road leading straight to hell
Shout! Shout!The madness of the crowds hail insane
The madness of the game

Mirror lyrics:

The madness of the game
Shout! Shout!The madness of the crowds hail insane
Broad is the road leading straight to hell
Dangerous he whom our faith was given
The madness of the game
Shout! Shout!The madness of the crowds hail insane
Broad is the road leading straight to hell
Dangerous he whom our faith was given
Exploiting innocence for himself
Guilty the one with his silent knowledge
The madness of the game
Shout! Shout!The madness of the crowds hail insane
But they who fathom the truth bellow
Deaf he who tolerates words of deception
Blind he who follows the path of vows
Sightless the one who relys on promise

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMadness OOf TThe CCrowds he adness f he rowds hTe aMdness fO hTe rCowds fhe jadness kf fhe frowds fThe jMadness kOf fThe fCrowds
Tfhe Mjadness Okf Tfhe Cfrowds 5he kadness 9f 5he xrowds 5The kMadness 9Of 5The xCrowds T5he Mkadness O9f T5he Cxrowds hhe nadness 0f hhe vrowds
hThe nMadness 0Of hThe vCrowds Thhe Mnadness O0f Thhe Cvrowds yhe Maadness lf yhe drowds yThe Mdness lOf yThe dCrowds Tyhe Mdaness Olf Tyhe Cdrowds
6he Mzdness if 6he Crrowds 6The Mzadness iOf 6The Cowds T6he Mazdness Oif T6he Corwds ghe Mqdness Off ghe Cdowds gThe Mqadness O gThe
Tghe Maqdness Of Tghe Crdowds rhe Msdness Oc rhe C4owds rThe Msadness Ocf rThe C4rowds Trhe Masdness Ofc Trhe Cr4owds Mwdness Or Cgowds
Te Mwadness Orf Te Cgrowds Teh Mawdness Ofr Teh Crgowds Tje Mxdness Og Tje Ctowds Tjhe Mxadness Ogf Tjhe Ctrowds Thje Maxdness Ofg Thje Crtowds
Tue Maddness Ot Tue C5owds Tuhe Maness Otf Tuhe C5rowds Thue Mandess Oft Thue Cr5owds Tne Maxness Ov Tne Cfowds Tnhe Ovf Tnhe
Thne Madxness Ofv Thne Crfowds Tbe Maeness Od Tbe Ceowds Tbhe Maedness Odf Tbhe Cerowds Thbe Madeness Ofd Thbe Creowds Tge Mafness Tge Croowds
Mafdness Crwds Thge Madfness Thge Crwods Tye Marness Tye Crkwds Mardness Crkowds Thye Madrness Thye Crokwds
Thee Macness Thee Cr9wds Th Macdness Th Cr9owds The Madcness The Cro9wds Ths Masness Ths Cr0wds Thse Thse Cr0owds
Thes Madsness Thes Cro0wds Th3 Madnness Th3 Crlwds Th3e Madess Th3e Crlowds The3 Madenss The3 Crolwds Thf Madmess Thf Criwds
Thfe Madmness Thfe Criowds Thef Madnmess Thef Croiwds Thr Madhess Thr Crowwds Thre Madhness Thre Crods

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