
Feel it running off
So strong and clear
An age is over fast
And disappears
Help him if you can
His hour will come soon
Push away his fear
He'll see Elysium
It's time
It's time
Guard him a little while
And calm his shiver
Wash and dry his tears
And cool his fever
Take the Bibles words
Speak it pure soul
Lay love in his mind
His close to the final goal
It's time
It's time
It's time to go
Time for the freedom
Time to face what we all believe in
Pray strong
Pray to the higher
Turn your back on the devil's fire
It's time to go
Time for the freedom
Time to face what we all believe in
Time is passing by
When his mind was clear
He called you brother
Now his brain realized
It's resigning rather
Mother take his hand
Say a last “good-bye”
We're not gifted to
Turn water into wine
It's time
It's time
It's time to go
Time for the freedom
Time to face what we all believe in
Pray strong
Pray to the higher
Turn your back on the devil's fire
Time to go
Time for the freedom
Time to face what we all believe in
Time is passing by

Mirror lyrics:

Time is passing by
Time to face what we all believe in
Time for the freedom
Time to go
Turn your back on the devil's fire
Pray to the higher
Pray strong
Time to face what we all believe in
Time for the freedom
It's time to go
It's time
It's time
Turn water into wine
We're not gifted to
Say a last “good-bye”
Mother take his hand
It's resigning rather
Now his brain realized
He called you brother
When his mind was clear
Time is passing by
Time to face what we all believe in
Time for the freedom
It's time to go
Turn your back on the devil's fire
Pray to the higher
Pray strong
Time to face what we all believe in
Time for the freedom
It's time to go
It's time
It's time
His close to the final goal
Lay love in his mind
Speak it pure soul
Take the Bibles words
And cool his fever
Wash and dry his tears
And calm his shiver
Guard him a little while
It's time
It's time
He'll see Elysium
Push away his fear
His hour will come soon
Help him if you can
And disappears
An age is over fast
So strong and clear
Feel it running off

Relevant Tags:
TTime ime iTme fime fTime Tfime 5ime 5Time T5ime hime hTime
Thime yime yTime Tyime 6ime 6Time T6ime gime gTime Tgime rime
rTime Trime Tiime Tme Tmie Tjme Tjime Tijme T9me T9ime Ti9me
Tlme Tlime Tilme Tome Toime Tiome Tkme Tkime

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