Open Your Life

Do you know what there is
Just behind your wall?
Do you hate what you can't see
On the spinning ball?

Ignorant and wasted
That's what you are
But you could be so much more
Listen to your TV
Believe the words
And you're dumber than more
Try to see the real picture
Train your mind
To read between the lines
Take your level higher
That is your way
Just get up
Start out today

Time seems an endless road
When we are young
It don't need a genius to know that it's wrong

Hey now, hey now
Open your life
Hey now, hey now
Open your life
Rise now, rise now
Feel the new drive
Hey now, hey now
Open your life

Full synthetic anger
That's what you breathe
It's a strategy for all
Telling people stories
And bed time tales
But the real important false
So you grow the wrong seed
Inside your head
To the will of the modern priest
Supervised aggression
Instructed to sleep
That's the devil that you breed

All that we learn
Is just one point of view
Out there in the world
It may not become true
Hey now, hey now
Open your life
Hey now, hey now
Open your life
Rise now, rise now
Feel the new drive
Hey now, hey now
Open your life

Time seems an endless road
When we are young
It don't need a genius to know that it's wrong

Hey now, hey now
Open your life
Hey now, hey now
Open your life
Rise now, rise now
Feel the new drive
Hey now, hey now
Open your life

Mirror lyrics:

Open your life
Hey now, hey now
Feel the new drive
Rise now, rise now
Open your life
Hey now, hey now
Open your life
Hey now, hey now

It don't need a genius to know that it's wrong
When we are young
Time seems an endless road

Open your life
Hey now, hey now
Feel the new drive
Rise now, rise now
Open your life
Hey now, hey now
Open your life
Hey now, hey now
It may not become true
Out there in the world
Is just one point of view
All that we learn

That's the devil that you breed
Instructed to sleep
Supervised aggression
To the will of the modern priest
Inside your head
So you grow the wrong seed
But the real important false
And bed time tales
Telling people stories
It's a strategy for all
That's what you breathe
Full synthetic anger

Open your life
Hey now, hey now
Feel the new drive
Rise now, rise now
Open your life
Hey now, hey now
Open your life
Hey now, hey now

It don't need a genius to know that it's wrong
When we are young
Time seems an endless road

Start out today
Just get up
That is your way
Take your level higher
To read between the lines
Train your mind
Try to see the real picture
And you're dumber than more
Believe the words
Listen to your TV
But you could be so much more
That's what you are
Ignorant and wasted

On the spinning ball?
Do you hate what you can't see
Just behind your wall?
Do you know what there is

Relevant Tags:
OOpen YYour LLife pen our ife pOen oYur iLfe kpen gour kife kOpen gYour kLife Okpen Ygour Lkife 9pen hour oife 9Open hYour oLife
O9pen Yhour Loife 0pen 6our pife 0Open 6Your pLife O0pen Y6our Lpife lpen uour Liife lOpen uYour Lfe Olpen Yuour Lfie ipen 7our Ljfe
iOpen 7Your Ljife Oipen Y7our Lijfe Oppen jour L9fe Oen jYour L9ife Oepn Yjour Li9fe O0en tour Llfe tYour Llife Op0en Ytour Lilfe
Olen Yoour Lofe Yur Oplen Yuor Liofe Ooen Ykur Lkfe Oopen Ykour Opoen Yokur Likfe Opeen Y9ur L8fe Opn Y9our L8ife
Opne Yo9ur Li8fe Opsn Y0ur Lufe Opsen Y0our Luife Opesn Yo0ur Liufe Op3n Ylur Liffe Op3en Ylour Lie Ope3n Yolur Lief Opfn Yiur Lice
Opfen Yiour Licfe Opefn Yoiur Lifce Oprn Youur Lire Opren Yor Lirfe

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