Electric Eye

Up here in space
I'm looking down on you.
My lasers trace
Everything you do.

You think you've private lives
Think nothing of the kind.
There is no true escape
I'm watching all the time.

I'm made of metal
My circuits gleam.
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean.

I'm elected electric spy
I protected electric eye.

Always in focus
You can't feel my stare.
I zoom into you
You don't know I'm there.
I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove.

Electric eye, in the sky
Feel my stare, always there
There's nothing you can do about it.
Develop and expose
I feed upon your every thought
And so my power grows.

Protected. Detective. Electric eye.

Mirror lyrics:

Protected. Detective. Electric eye.

And so my power grows.
I feed upon your every thought
Develop and expose
There's nothing you can do about it.
Feel my stare, always there
Electric eye, in the sky

My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove.
I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
You don't know I'm there.
I zoom into you
You can't feel my stare.
Always in focus

I protected electric eye.
I'm elected electric spy

I keep the country clean.
I am perpetual
My circuits gleam.
I'm made of metal

I'm watching all the time.
There is no true escape
Think nothing of the kind.
You think you've private lives

Everything you do.
My lasers trace
I'm looking down on you.
Up here in space

Relevant Tags:
EElectric EEye lectric ye lEectric yEe slectric sye sElectric sEye Eslectric Esye 3lectric 3ye 3Electric 3Eye E3lectric E3ye
flectric fye fElectric fEye Eflectric Efye rlectric rye rElectric rEye Erlectric Erye 4lectric 4ye 4Electric 4Eye E4lectric E4ye
dlectric dye dElectric dEye Edlectric Edye wlectric wye wElectric wEye Ewlectric Ewye Ellectric Eyye Eectric Ee Eelctric Eey
Ekectric Ege Eklectric Egye Elkectric Eyge Eoectric Ehe Eolectric Ehye Eloectric Eyhe Epectric E6e Eplectric E6ye Elpectric Ey6e
Eleectric Eue Elctric Euye Elcetric Eyue Elsctric E7e Elsectric E7ye Elesctric Ey7e El3ctric Eje El3ectric Ejye Ele3ctric Eyje
Elfctric Ete Elfectric Etye Elefctric Eyte Elrctric Eyee Elrectric Ey Elerctric Eye El4ctric Eys El4ectric Eyse Ele4ctric Eyes
Eldctric Ey3 Eldectric Ey3e Eledctric Eye3 Elwctric Eyf Elwectric Eyfe Elewctric Eyef Elecctric Eyr Eletric Eyre Eletcric Eyer
Eleftric Ey4 Ey4e Elecftric Eye4 Elextric Eyd Elexctric Eyde Elecxtric Eyed Elevtric Eyw Elevctric Eywe Elecvtric Eyew
Eledtric Elecdtric Electtric Elecric

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