Hello Beautiful
Virginia Symphony

So your planning on leaving
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So you plan to deceive me
I know, I know Virginia symphony

Half empty, bent in a broken glass
I'm usually lifted skippin class
Cinqo mas in minutes pass
Rising rates and smokin hash
Ay! You decay by design
I'll reconsider
Remind me why I should be re-depictin your desires again

Pigeon hole everything cut from the skin
Papercut roll your mind again
I been left for the taking, for the taking

Oh walk through the fire and run through the walls
Shots ringing out in the high school halls
You never see it coming but it's not our fault she's leaving

So your planning on leaving
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So you plan to deceive me
I know I know Virginia Symphony

So you plan on leaving
I know I know I know it's up on me
So you plan on leaving
I know I know Virginia symphony

Ay playa, say uhh
Did you hear that sound? What's goin down?
Why... isn't that a musket a-fire?
The tussle must be for power
The same kind that lost em all in the towers
Is that them folk nobody talked to down there on a 'bag and tie-up?

Just throw me out
I'm cast aside
I'm throwin slugs
They say they just throwin stones
While you sit there on your throne
Nightmares sleep down the hall of the corridor
We're in the midst of an entire society bein endroned

Oh walk through the fire and run through the walls
Shots ringing out in the high school halls
You never see it coming but it's not our fault she's leaving

So your planning on leaving
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So you plan to deceive me
I know, I know Virginia symphony

So you plan on leaving
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So you plan on leaving
I know, I know, I know
Virgina symphony

So your planning on leaving
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So you plan to deceive me
I know, I know, I know

So your planning on leaving
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So you plan to deceive me
I know, I know, I know Virginia symphony

So you plan on leaving
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So you plan on leaving
I know, I know, I know
Virgina symphony

Mirror lyrics:

Virgina symphony
I know, I know, I know
So you plan on leaving
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So you plan on leaving

I know, I know, I know Virginia symphony
So you plan to deceive me
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So your planning on leaving

I know, I know, I know
So you plan to deceive me
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So your planning on leaving

Virgina symphony
I know, I know, I know
So you plan on leaving
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So you plan on leaving

I know, I know Virginia symphony
So you plan to deceive me
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So your planning on leaving

You never see it coming but it's not our fault she's leaving
Shots ringing out in the high school halls
Oh walk through the fire and run through the walls

We're in the midst of an entire society bein endroned
Nightmares sleep down the hall of the corridor
While you sit there on your throne
They say they just throwin stones
I'm throwin slugs
I'm cast aside
Just throw me out

Is that them folk nobody talked to down there on a 'bag and tie-up?
The same kind that lost em all in the towers
The tussle must be for power
Why... isn't that a musket a-fire?
Did you hear that sound? What's goin down?
Ay playa, say uhh

I know I know Virginia symphony
So you plan on leaving
I know I know I know it's up on me
So you plan on leaving

I know I know Virginia Symphony
So you plan to deceive me
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So your planning on leaving

You never see it coming but it's not our fault she's leaving
Shots ringing out in the high school halls
Oh walk through the fire and run through the walls

I been left for the taking, for the taking
Papercut roll your mind again
Pigeon hole everything cut from the skin

Remind me why I should be re-depictin your desires again
I'll reconsider
Ay! You decay by design
Rising rates and smokin hash
Cinqo mas in minutes pass
I'm usually lifted skippin class
Half empty, bent in a broken glass

I know, I know Virginia symphony
So you plan to deceive me
I know, I know, I know it's up on me
So your planning on leaving

Relevant Tags:
VVirginia SSymphony irginia ymphony iVrginia ySmphony birginia zymphony bVirginia zSymphony Vbirginia Szymphony
cirginia wymphony cVirginia wSymphony Vcirginia Swymphony girginia dymphony gVirginia dSymphony Vgirginia Sdymphony
firginia eymphony fVirginia eSymphony Vfirginia Seymphony Viirginia xymphony Vrginia xSymphony Vriginia Sxymphony
Vjrginia aymphony Vjirginia aSymphony Vijrginia Saymphony V9rginia Syymphony V9irginia Smphony Vi9rginia Smyphony
Vlrginia Sgmphony Vlirginia Sgymphony Vilrginia Sygmphony Vorginia Shmphony Voirginia Shymphony Viorginia Syhmphony
Vkrginia S6mphony Vkirginia S6ymphony Vikrginia Sy6mphony V8rginia Sumphony V8irginia Suymphony Vi8rginia Syumphony
Vurginia S7mphony Vuirginia S7ymphony Viurginia Sy7mphony Virrginia Sjmphony Viginia Sjymphony Vigrinia Syjmphony
Vidginia Stmphony Vidrginia Stymphony Virdginia Sytmphony Vi4ginia Symmphony Vi4rginia Syphony Vir4ginia Sypmhony
Vigginia Syjphony Vigrginia Virgginia Symjphony Vitginia Sykphony Vitrginia Sykmphony Virtginia Symkphony
Vi5ginia Synphony Vi5rginia Synmphony Vir5ginia Symnphony Vifginia Sympphony Vifrginia Symhony Virfginia Symhpony
Vieginia Sym0hony Vierginia Sym0phony Vireginia Symp0hony Symlhony Virinia Symlphony Virignia Symplhony
Virhinia Symohony Virhginia Symophony Virghinia Sympohony Viryinia Symphhony Viryginia Sympony Virgyinia Sympohny
Virbinia Sympjony Virbginia Sympjhony Virgbinia Symphjony Virvinia Sympuony Virvginia Sympuhony Virgvinia Symphuony
Virfinia Sympnony Sympnhony

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