Hawthorne Heights
Angels With Even Filthier Souls

Mod note: This is one of their songs they did when they
were still under the name A Day in the Life.

Just stay the night
And well see that things can work out
And this will last forever
How long can we wait for things to change
And this will last forever

Every day, this I say
Turn to dust and fade away
This will last forever

Every day, this I say
Turn to dust and fade away
This will last forever

Still waiting for tomorrow
Just wait for today
To close my eyes

Waiting for tomorrow
Just wait for today
To say goodbye

She never said she loved me
She never said goodbye(X4)

Just stay the night
And well see that things can work out
And this will last forever
How long can we wait for things to change
And this will last forever

Every day, this I say
Turn to dust and fade away
This will last forever

Every day, this I say
Turn to dust and fade away
This will last forever

Still waiting for tomorrow
Just wait for today
To close my eyes

Waiting for tomorrow
Just wait for today
To say goodbye

Mirror lyrics:

To say goodbye
Just wait for today
Waiting for tomorrow

To close my eyes
Just wait for today
Still waiting for tomorrow

This will last forever
Turn to dust and fade away
Every day, this I say

This will last forever
Turn to dust and fade away
Every day, this I say

And this will last forever
How long can we wait for things to change
And this will last forever
And well see that things can work out
Just stay the night

She never said goodbye(X4)
She never said she loved me

To say goodbye
Just wait for today
Waiting for tomorrow

To close my eyes
Just wait for today
Still waiting for tomorrow

This will last forever
Turn to dust and fade away
Every day, this I say

This will last forever
Turn to dust and fade away
Every day, this I say

And this will last forever
How long can we wait for things to change
And this will last forever
And well see that things can work out
Just stay the night

were still under the name A Day in the Life.
Mod note: This is one of their songs they did when they

Relevant Tags:
AAngels WWith EEven FFilthier SSouls ngels ith ven ilthier ouls nAgels iWth vEen iFlthier oSuls zngels aith sven cilthier zouls zAngels aWith sEven cFilthier zSouls
Azngels Waith Esven Fcilthier Szouls qngels 3ith 3ven rilthier wouls qAngels 3With 3Even rFilthier wSouls Aqngels W3ith E3ven Frilthier Swouls sngels dith fven gilthier douls
sAngels dWith fEven gFilthier dSouls Asngels Wdith Efven Fgilthier Sdouls wngels eith rven tilthier eouls wAngels eWith rEven tFilthier eSouls Awngels Weith Erven Ftilthier Seouls
xngels sith 4ven vilthier xouls xAngels sWith 4Even vFilthier xSouls Axngels Wsith E4ven Fvilthier Sxouls Anngels 2ith dven dilthier aouls Agels 2With dEven dFilthier aSouls
Agnels W2ith Edven Fdilthier Saouls Amgels qith wven Fiilthier Soouls Amngels qWith wEven Flthier Suls Anmgels Wqith Ewven Flithier Suols Ahgels Wiith Evven Fjlthier Skuls
Ahngels Wth Een Fjilthier Skouls Anhgels Wtih Eevn Fijlthier Sokuls Ajgels Wjth Eben F9lthier S9uls Ajngels Wjith Ebven F9ilthier S9ouls Anjgels Wijth Evben Fi9lthier So9uls
Abgels W9th Ecen Fllthier S0uls Abngels W9ith Ecven Flilthier S0ouls Anbgels Wi9th Evcen Fillthier So0uls Anggels Wlth Egen Folthier Sluls Anels Wlith Egven Foilthier Slouls
Anegls Wilth Evgen Fiolthier Soluls Anhels Woth Efen Fklthier Siuls Woith Fkilthier Siouls Anghels Wioth Evfen Fiklthier Soiuls Anyels Wkth Eveen F8lthier Souuls
Anygels Wkith Evn F8ilthier Sols Angyels Wikth Evne Fi8lthier Solus Anbels W8th Evsn Fulthier Sohls W8ith Evsen Fuilthier Sohuls Angbels Wi8th Evesn Fiulthier Souhls
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Ang4els Wirth Evehn Filythier Souols Ange4ls Witrh Evenh Filtyhier Soulos Angdls Evej Fil6hier Soups Angdels Wit Evejn Fil6thier Soupls Angedls With Evenj Filt6hier Soulps
Angwls Witj Eveb Filghier Soulss Angwels Witjh Evebn Filgthier Soul Angewls Withj Evenb Filtghier Souls Angells Witu Filrhier Soulz Anges Wituh Filrthier Soulzs
Angesl Withu Filtrhier Soulsz

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