Haste The Day
Dog Like Vultures

Who will protect you from these dog like vultures?
And I know they're small, that they sharp

We've been sent with eyes to see them
And ears to hear their steps
Our hearts are softer than the sheep

We've been known to calm the storm
And silence the ocean
With strength to spare you from their teeth
From their teeth

Our eyes are upon you and we'll protect you
Be assured no fang will breech your fleece
'Cause we are called to lead and sent to gather
So bare your teeth and sharpen your claws

We've been sent with eyes to see them
And ears to hear their steps
Our hearts are softer than the sheep

We've been known to calm the storm
And silence the ocean
With strength to spare you from their teeth
From their teeth

Their blood will spill like water
In a fountain for thieves and liars
So bare your teeth and sharpen your claws
'Cause we hold the keys

And we've been sent with eyes to see them
And ears to hear their steps
And hearts are softer than the sheep

We've been known to calm the storm
And silence the ocean
With strength to spare you from their teeth
From their teeth

Mirror lyrics:

From their teeth
With strength to spare you from their teeth
And silence the ocean
We've been known to calm the storm

And hearts are softer than the sheep
And ears to hear their steps
And we've been sent with eyes to see them

'Cause we hold the keys
So bare your teeth and sharpen your claws
In a fountain for thieves and liars
Their blood will spill like water

From their teeth
With strength to spare you from their teeth
And silence the ocean
We've been known to calm the storm

Our hearts are softer than the sheep
And ears to hear their steps
We've been sent with eyes to see them

So bare your teeth and sharpen your claws
'Cause we are called to lead and sent to gather
Be assured no fang will breech your fleece
Our eyes are upon you and we'll protect you

From their teeth
With strength to spare you from their teeth
And silence the ocean
We've been known to calm the storm

Our hearts are softer than the sheep
And ears to hear their steps
We've been sent with eyes to see them

And I know they're small, that they sharp
Who will protect you from these dog like vultures?

Relevant Tags:
DDog LLike VVultures og ike ultures oDg iLke uVltures xog kike bultures xDog kLike bVultures Dxog Lkike Vbultures
eog oike cultures eDog oLike cVultures Deog Loike Vcultures fog pike gultures fDog pLike gVultures Dfog Lpike Vgultures
rog Liike fultures rDog Lke fVultures Drog Lkie Vfultures cog Ljke Vuultures cDog Ljike Vltures Dcog Lijke Vlutures
sog L9ke Vhltures sDog L9ike Vhultures Dsog Li9ke Vuhltures Doog Llke V7ltures Dg Llike V7ultures Dgo Lilke Vu7ltures
Dkg Loke Vkltures Dkog Vkultures Dokg Lioke Vukltures D9g Lkke Viltures D9og Viultures Do9g Likke Vuiltures
D0g L8ke V8ltures D0og L8ike V8ultures Do0g Li8ke Vu8ltures Dlg Luke Vjltures Dlog Luike Vjultures Dolg Liuke Vujltures
Dig Vyltures Diog Lie Vyultures Doig Liek Vuyltures Dogg Lile Vulltures Do Vutures Dog Likle Vutlures
Doh Lioe Vuktures Dohg Dogh Likoe Vulktures Doy Lime Vuotures Doyg Limke Vuoltures Dogy Likme Vulotures
Dob Lije Vuptures Dobg Vupltures Dogb Likje Vulptures Dov Liie Vulttures Dovg Vulures Dogv Likie Vulutres
Dof Likee Vulfures Dofg Lik Vulftures Dogf Like Vultfures Dot Liks Vul5ures Dotg Likse Vul5tures Dogt Likes Vult5ures
Lik3 Vulhures Lik3e Vulhtures Like3 Vulthures Likf Vulyures Likfe Vulytures Likef Vultyures
Likr Vul6ures Likre Vul6tures Liker Vult6ures Lik4 Vulgures Lik4e Vulgtures Like4 Vultgures
Likd Vulrures Likde Vulrtures Liked Vultrures Likw Vultuures Likwe Vultres Likew Vultrues

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