Haste The Day
Servant Ties

It's in your eyes
The look of certainty
The look of apathy
It's in your eyes

I'm not so sure that we have nothing to lose
Should have held this closer
Staple your note to the back door
Until then your gut, your gut can tell you this

Does anyone hear me? Does anyone honestly?
It will fall to pieces, it will fall to pieces
Find home, hold strong when everything is taken, you're empty
We'll see a purpose, just need to stand as one

Do these thoughts have syllables or
Am I mumbling?
Do I seem tense when I carry your load?
Or am I, or am I losing it?

Does anyone hear me? Does anyone honestly?
It will fall to pieces, it will fall to pieces
Find home, hold strong when everything is taken, you're empty
We'll see a purpose, just need to stand as one

Take all, take everything
It's hard to stop from dropping it all on you
The heart will hurt when it's crushed
By the weight of the leaves on the trees

We'll see a purpose, we'll stand as one
We'll see a purpose, we'll stand as one, as one

I'm not so sure we've lost anything
But while you're listening
I'm hurting for something better
Till then your gut, your gut can tell you this

Does anyone hear me? Does anyone honestly?
It will fall to pieces, it will fall to pieces
Find home, hold strong when everything is taken, you're empty
We'll see a purpose, just need to stand as one

Mirror lyrics:

We'll see a purpose, just need to stand as one
Find home, hold strong when everything is taken, you're empty
It will fall to pieces, it will fall to pieces
Does anyone hear me? Does anyone honestly?

Till then your gut, your gut can tell you this
I'm hurting for something better
But while you're listening
I'm not so sure we've lost anything

We'll see a purpose, we'll stand as one, as one
We'll see a purpose, we'll stand as one

By the weight of the leaves on the trees
The heart will hurt when it's crushed
It's hard to stop from dropping it all on you
Take all, take everything

We'll see a purpose, just need to stand as one
Find home, hold strong when everything is taken, you're empty
It will fall to pieces, it will fall to pieces
Does anyone hear me? Does anyone honestly?

Or am I, or am I losing it?
Do I seem tense when I carry your load?
Am I mumbling?
Do these thoughts have syllables or

We'll see a purpose, just need to stand as one
Find home, hold strong when everything is taken, you're empty
It will fall to pieces, it will fall to pieces
Does anyone hear me? Does anyone honestly?

Until then your gut, your gut can tell you this
Staple your note to the back door
Should have held this closer
I'm not so sure that we have nothing to lose

It's in your eyes
The look of apathy
The look of certainty
It's in your eyes

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S3rvant Tjes S3ervant Tjies Se3rvant Tijes Sfrvant T9es Sfervant T9ies Sefrvant Ti9es Srrvant Tles Srervant Tlies Serrvant Tiles
S4rvant Toes S4ervant Toies Se4rvant Tioes Sdrvant Tkes Tkies Sedrvant Tikes Swrvant T8es T8ies Sewrvant Ti8es
Tues Sevant Tuies Sevrant Tiues Sedvant Tiees Tis Serdvant Tise Se4vant Tiss Tises Ser4vant Tiess
Segvant Ti3s Segrvant Ti3es Sergvant Tie3s Setvant Tifs Setrvant Tifes Sertvant Tiefs Se5vant Tirs Se5rvant Tires Ser5vant Tiers
Sefvant Ti4s Ti4es

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