Harry Connick Jr.
Whisper Your Name

somebody was spreadin' rumors
about better days are commin'
why was I hummin'?
as if i knew
one and the same
I just whispered your name

somebody was sayin' somethin'
about there bein' an end to tyrany
but when they asked me
what will I do
when that day came
I only whispered your name

everyone's got thier own oppinion
to protect thier own dominion
laws count for them it's true
but i tell them what i really believe
my only worry is protectin' you

no one should ever be lonly
we gotta find somebody to care
ask me if i dare
to answer who
could carry that blame
I only whispered your name


everyone's got thier own oppinion
to protect thier own dominion
laws count for them it's true
but i tell them what i really believe
my only worry is protectin' you

no one should ever be lonly
we gotta find somebody to care
ask me if i dare
to answer who
could carry that blame
carry that blame
I just whispered your name

Mirror lyrics:

I just whispered your name
carry that blame
could carry that blame
to answer who
ask me if i dare
we gotta find somebody to care
no one should ever be lonly

my only worry is protectin' you
but i tell them what i really believe
laws count for them it's true
to protect thier own dominion
everyone's got thier own oppinion


I only whispered your name
could carry that blame
to answer who
ask me if i dare
we gotta find somebody to care
no one should ever be lonly

my only worry is protectin' you
but i tell them what i really believe
laws count for them it's true
to protect thier own dominion
everyone's got thier own oppinion

I only whispered your name
when that day came
what will I do
but when they asked me
about there bein' an end to tyrany
somebody was sayin' somethin'

I just whispered your name
one and the same
as if i knew
why was I hummin'?
about better days are commin'
somebody was spreadin' rumors

Relevant Tags:
WWhisper YYour NName hisper our ame hWisper oYur aNme ahisper gour mame aWhisper gYour mName Wahisper Ygour Nmame
3hisper hour hame 3Whisper hYour hName W3hisper Yhour Nhame dhisper 6our jame dWhisper 6Your jName Wdhisper Y6our Njame
ehisper uour bame eWhisper uYour bName Wehisper Yuour Nbame shisper 7our Naame sWhisper 7Your Nme Wshisper Y7our Nmae
2hisper jour Nzme 2Whisper jYour Nzame W2hisper Yjour Nazme qhisper tour Nqme qWhisper tYour Nqame Wqhisper Ytour Naqme
Whhisper Yoour Nsme Wisper Yur Nsame Wihsper Yuor Nasme Wjisper Ykur Nwme Wjhisper Ykour Nwame Whjisper Yokur Nawme
Wuisper Y9ur Nxme Wuhisper Y9our Nxame Whuisper Yo9ur Naxme Wnisper Y0ur Namme Wnhisper Y0our Nae Whnisper Yo0ur Naem
Wbisper Ylur Naje Wbhisper Ylour Najme Whbisper Yolur Namje Wgisper Yiur Nake Wghisper Yiour Nakme Whgisper Yoiur Namke
Wyisper Youur Nane Wyhisper Yor Nanme Whyisper Yoru Namne Whiisper Yohr Namee Whsper Yohur Nam Whsiper Youhr Name
Whjsper Yo7r Nams Yo7ur Namse Whijsper You7r Names Wh9sper Yokr Nam3 Wh9isper Nam3e Whi9sper Youkr Name3
Whlsper Yoir Namf Whlisper Namfe Whilsper Youir Namef Whosper Yo8r Namr Whoisper Yo8ur Namre Whiosper You8r Namer
Whksper Yojr Nam4 Whkisper Yojur Nam4e Whiksper Youjr Name4 Wh8sper Yoyr Namd Wh8isper Yoyur Namde Whi8sper Youyr Named
Whusper Yourr Namw You Namwe Whiusper Your Namew Whissper Youd Whiper Youdr Whipser Yourd

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