Harry Chapin
Old College Avenue

Old College Avenue
by Harry Chapin

Of course I picked a rainy night
To try to find our past
The street lights all were flickering
The leaves were falling fast

I walked down the winding road
Looked up through the trees
And I saw the corner window
That you once shared with me

It was Old College Avenue
And in the time of having you
I remember it as if it were today

The tiny room and the single bed
Though the tangled trails of time
Have led us far astray
The membrance seems to stay

And through all the roads
That led me on
And through all the years
That you've been gone
I have found that it would never go away

It was Old College Avenue
And in the time of having you
I remember it as if it were today

That fall turned into winter
The winter into spring
And all the while, you led me through
The sweet awakening

But summer never came that year
It's what you went to find
And you took my future with you
And you left your past behind

It was Old College Avenue
And in the time of having you
I remember it as if it were today

The tiny room and the single bed
Though the tangled trails of time
Have led us far astray
The membrance seems to stay

And through all the roads
That led me on
And through all the years
that you've been gone
I have found that it would never go away

It was Old College Avenue
And in the time of having you
I remember it as if it were today
I remember you
As if
It were

Mirror lyrics:

It were
As if
I remember you
I remember it as if it were today
And in the time of having you
It was Old College Avenue

I have found that it would never go away
that you've been gone
And through all the years
That led me on
And through all the roads

The membrance seems to stay
Have led us far astray
Though the tangled trails of time
The tiny room and the single bed

I remember it as if it were today
And in the time of having you
It was Old College Avenue

And you left your past behind
And you took my future with you
It's what you went to find
But summer never came that year

The sweet awakening
And all the while, you led me through
The winter into spring
That fall turned into winter

I remember it as if it were today
And in the time of having you
It was Old College Avenue

I have found that it would never go away
That you've been gone
And through all the years
That led me on
And through all the roads

The membrance seems to stay
Have led us far astray
Though the tangled trails of time
The tiny room and the single bed

I remember it as if it were today
And in the time of having you
It was Old College Avenue

That you once shared with me
And I saw the corner window
Looked up through the trees
I walked down the winding road

The leaves were falling fast
The street lights all were flickering
To try to find our past
Of course I picked a rainy night

by Harry Chapin
Old College Avenue

Relevant Tags:
OOld CCollege AAvenue ld ollege venue lOd oCllege vAenue kld follege zvenue kOld fCollege zAvenue Okld Cfollege Azvenue
9ld xollege qvenue 9Old xCollege qAvenue O9ld Cxollege Aqvenue 0ld vollege svenue 0Old vCollege sAvenue O0ld Cvollege Asvenue
lld dollege wvenue lOld dCollege wAvenue Olld Cdollege Awvenue ild Coollege xvenue iOld Cllege xAvenue Oild Clolege Axvenue
Ckllege Avvenue Od Ckollege Aenue Odl Cokllege Aevnue Okd C9llege Abenue C9ollege Abvenue Olkd Co9llege Avbenue
Ood C0llege Acenue Oold C0ollege Acvenue Olod Co0llege Avcenue Opd Clllege Agenue Opld Clollege Agvenue Olpd Colllege Avgenue
Oldd Cillege Afenue Ol Ciollege Afvenue Old Coillege Avfenue Olx Aveenue Olxd Colege Avnue Oldx College Avneue
Ole Coklege Avsnue Oled Avsenue Olde Colklege Avesnue Olf Coolege Av3nue Olfd Av3enue Oldf Cololege Ave3nue
Olr Coplege Avfnue Olrd Copllege Oldr Colplege Avefnue Olc Avrnue Olcd Avrenue Oldc Colelge Avernue
Ols Colkege Av4nue Olsd Av4enue Olds Collkege Ave4nue Coloege Avdnue Avdenue Colloege Avednue
Colpege Avwnue Avwenue Collpege Avewnue Colleege Avennue Collge Aveue

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