Harry Chapin
If My Mary Were Here

I would not be so stoned

If my Mary were here

And I don't think I'd have phoned you

If my Mary were here

I'm a sad sack Sir Galahad

Who's sword's around his knees

With a Grail no longer holy

And a prayer that's saying please

I would not be alone

If my Mary were here

But she took off

And Lord I'm lost

You know I don't think I'd be drinking

If my Mary were here

And I know what I'd be thinking

If my Mary were here

We'd be wrapping up a blanket

Full of cheddar cheese and wine

And packing up our camper

With a rendezvous in mind

And we'd picnic out in Lincoln Park

If Mary were here

But she split

So I got lit

I'm sorry that I called you

In the middle of the night

But you're the one who listens

When I need a little light

I know we haven't talked

Since I dropped you in the dirt

I know you're not my lady now

But Baby, how I hurt

I would toss away my troubles

When my Mary was here

But now I'm lost inside the ruble

'Cause my Mary's not here

So could I come on over

With my heart in my hands

And place it on your pillow

Like a rusty old tin can

I'm drunk and seeing double

But my Mary's not here

Once again be the friend

That you've been

And take me in

Please take me in

Mirror lyrics:

Please take me in

And take me in

That you've been

Once again be the friend

But my Mary's not here

I'm drunk and seeing double

Like a rusty old tin can

And place it on your pillow

With my heart in my hands

So could I come on over

'Cause my Mary's not here

But now I'm lost inside the ruble

When my Mary was here

I would toss away my troubles

But Baby, how I hurt

I know you're not my lady now

Since I dropped you in the dirt

I know we haven't talked

When I need a little light

But you're the one who listens

In the middle of the night

I'm sorry that I called you

So I got lit

But she split

If Mary were here

And we'd picnic out in Lincoln Park

With a rendezvous in mind

And packing up our camper

Full of cheddar cheese and wine

We'd be wrapping up a blanket

If my Mary were here

And I know what I'd be thinking

If my Mary were here

You know I don't think I'd be drinking

And Lord I'm lost

But she took off

If my Mary were here

I would not be alone

And a prayer that's saying please

With a Grail no longer holy

Who's sword's around his knees

I'm a sad sack Sir Galahad

If my Mary were here

And I don't think I'd have phoned you

If my Mary were here

I would not be so stoned

Relevant Tags:
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It Ma4y Wrre H4re Itf Ma4ry Wrere H4ere Ift Mar4y Werre He4re Iv Magy W4re Hdre Ivf Magry W4ere Hdere Ifv Margy We4re Hedre

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