Harold Melvin
Wake Up Everybody

Wake up everybody no more sleepin in bed
No more backward thinkin time for thinkin ahead
The world has changed so very much
From what it used to be so
there is so much hatred war an' poverty
Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new way
Maybe then they'll listen to whatcha have to say
Cause they're the ones who's coming up and the world is in their hands
when you teach the children teach em the very best you can.

The world won't get no better if we just let it be
The world won't get no better we gotta change it yeah, just you and me.

Wake up all the doctors make the ol' people well
They're the ones who suffer an' who catch all the hell
But they don't have so very long before the Judgement Day
So won'tcha make them happy before they pass away.
Wake up all the builders time to build a new land
I know we can do it if we all lend a hand
The only thing we have to do is put it in our mind
Surely things will work out they do it every time.

Repeat Chorus

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus

Surely things will work out they do it every time.
The only thing we have to do is put it in our mind
I know we can do it if we all lend a hand
Wake up all the builders time to build a new land
So won'tcha make them happy before they pass away.
But they don't have so very long before the Judgement Day
They're the ones who suffer an' who catch all the hell
Wake up all the doctors make the ol' people well

The world won't get no better we gotta change it yeah, just you and me.
The world won't get no better if we just let it be

when you teach the children teach em the very best you can.
Cause they're the ones who's coming up and the world is in their hands
Maybe then they'll listen to whatcha have to say
Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new way
there is so much hatred war an' poverty
From what it used to be so
The world has changed so very much
No more backward thinkin time for thinkin ahead
Wake up everybody no more sleepin in bed

Relevant Tags:
WWake UUp EEverybody ake p verybody aWke pU vEerybody aake hp sverybody aWake hUp sEverybody Waake Uhp Esverybody
3ake 7p 3verybody 3Wake 7Up 3Everybody W3ake U7p E3verybody dake kp fverybody dWake kUp fEverybody Wdake Ukp Efverybody
eake ip rverybody eWake iUp rEverybody Weake Uip Erverybody sake 8p 4verybody sWake 8Up 4Everybody Wsake U8p E4verybody
2ake jp dverybody 2Wake jUp dEverybody W2ake Ujp Edverybody qake yp wverybody qWake yUp wEverybody Wqake Uyp Ewverybody
Upp Evverybody Wke U Eerybody Wkae Up Eevrybody Wzke U0 Eberybody Wzake U0p Ebverybody Wazke Up0 Evberybody
Wqke Ul Ecerybody Ulp Ecverybody Waqke Upl Evcerybody Wske Uo Egerybody Uop Egverybody Waske Upo Evgerybody
Wwke Eferybody Wwake Wawke Evferybody Wxke Eveerybody Wxake Evrybody Waxke Evreybody
Wakke Evsrybody Wae Evserybody Waek Evesrybody Wale Ev3rybody Walke Ev3erybody Wakle Eve3rybody
Waoe Evfrybody Waoke Wakoe Evefrybody Wame Evrrybody Wamke Evrerybody Wakme Everrybody
Waje Ev4rybody Wajke Ev4erybody Wakje Eve4rybody Waie Evdrybody Waike Evderybody Wakie Evedrybody
Wakee Evwrybody Wak Evwerybody Wake Evewrybody Waks Wakse Eveybody Wakes Eveyrbody
Wak3 Evedybody Wak3e Wake3 Everdybody Wakf Eve4ybody Wakfe Wakef Ever4ybody
Wakr Evegybody Wakre Evegrybody Waker Evergybody Wak4 Evetybody Wak4e Evetrybody Wake4 Evertybody
Wakd Eve5ybody Wakde Eve5rybody Waked Ever5ybody Wakw Evefybody Wakwe Wakew Everfybody
Eveeybody Evereybody Everyybody Everbody

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