Hillsong United
My One And Only

My One and Only
Jose Villanueva © Every Nation Production

Verse 1:
I'm captivated by Your love
Overwhelmed by Your glory
With wonders no one can receount
I said Jesus, You are my one and only

Verse 2:
I'm so amazed with all You do
Creations bows down to know one but You
Your grace enables me to stand
To sing and dance and rejoice.
Yeah Yeah Yeah!!

King of kings, Lord of lords
Ruler of creations
Holy one, Mighty God
Come and take dominion
`Till every tongue and tribe
Worship Your name on high
Jesus Christ, My One and Only

(Repeat Verse 1 & 2)
(Repeat Chorus)

Yeah Yeah Yeah
Oh Oh Oh
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Jesus, My One and Only

(Repeat Chorus)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat Chorus)

Jesus, My One and Only
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Oh Oh Oh
Yeah Yeah Yeah

(Repeat Chorus)
(Repeat Verse 1 & 2)

Jesus Christ, My One and Only
Worship Your name on high
`Till every tongue and tribe
Come and take dominion
Holy one, Mighty God
Ruler of creations
King of kings, Lord of lords

Yeah Yeah Yeah!!
To sing and dance and rejoice.
Your grace enables me to stand
Creations bows down to know one but You
I'm so amazed with all You do
Verse 2:

I said Jesus, You are my one and only
With wonders no one can receount
Overwhelmed by Your glory
I'm captivated by Your love
Verse 1:

Jose Villanueva © Every Nation Production
My One and Only

Relevant Tags:
MMy OOne AAnd OOnly y ne nd nly yM nOe nAd nOly jy kne znd knly jMy kOne zAnd kOnly Mjy Okne Aznd Oknly ky 9ne qnd 9nly
kMy 9One qAnd 9Only Mky O9ne Aqnd O9nly ny 0ne snd 0nly nMy 0One sAnd 0Only Mny O0ne Asnd O0nly Myy lne wnd lnly M lOne wAnd lOnly
My Olne Awnd Olnly Mg ine xnd inly Mgy iOne xAnd iOnly Myg Oine Axnd Oinly Mh Onne Annd Onnly Mhy Oe Ad Oly Myh Oen Adn Olny
M6 Ome Amd Omly M6y Omne Amnd Omnly My6 Onme Anmd Onmly Mu Ohe Ahd Ohly Muy Ohne Ahnd Ohnly Myu Onhe Anhd Onhly M7 Oje Ajd Ojly
M7y Ojne Ajnd Ojnly My7 Onje Anjd Onjly Mj Obe Abd Obly Obne Abnd Obnly Myj Onbe Anbd Onbly Mt Onee Andd Onlly Mty On An Ony

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