No Reason To Hide

We've got nothing to lose
We've got no reason to hide
We've got the answer inside of us
It's time we took our disguises off

See Your glory revealed
See Your name lifted high
'Cause there is nobody else for us
Jesus you are the only one

You are alive and we are free
You are everything, everything we need

There's not a minute to waste
Not a second to lose
'Cause there's a city that waits for us
It's time to took all the lamp shades off

See Your glory revealed
See Your name lifted higher
'Cause there is nobody else for us
Jesus you are the only one

You are alive and we are free
You are everything, everything we need
Love has spoken and we believe
You are everything, everything we need

Nothing compares to You
Nothing could ever separate us now
This love is ours

Nothing compares to You
Nothing could ever separate us now
This love is ours

Nothing compares to You
Nothing could ever separate us now
This love

You are alive and we are free
You are everything, everything we need
Love has spoken and we believe
You are everything, everything we need

Nothing can separate us
Nothing can come between us
Nothing can separate us now

Nothing can separate us
Nothing can come between us
Nothing can separate us now

Nothing can separate us
Nothing can come between us
Nothing can separate us now

Nothing can separate us now

Mirror lyrics:

Nothing can separate us now

Nothing can separate us now
Nothing can come between us
Nothing can separate us

Nothing can separate us now
Nothing can come between us
Nothing can separate us

Nothing can separate us now
Nothing can come between us
Nothing can separate us

You are everything, everything we need
Love has spoken and we believe
You are everything, everything we need
You are alive and we are free

This love
Nothing could ever separate us now
Nothing compares to You

This love is ours
Nothing could ever separate us now
Nothing compares to You

This love is ours
Nothing could ever separate us now
Nothing compares to You

You are everything, everything we need
Love has spoken and we believe
You are everything, everything we need
You are alive and we are free

Jesus you are the only one
'Cause there is nobody else for us
See Your name lifted higher
See Your glory revealed

It's time to took all the lamp shades off
'Cause there's a city that waits for us
Not a second to lose
There's not a minute to waste

You are everything, everything we need
You are alive and we are free

Jesus you are the only one
'Cause there is nobody else for us
See Your name lifted high
See Your glory revealed

It's time we took our disguises off
We've got the answer inside of us
We've got no reason to hide
We've got nothing to lose

Relevant Tags:
NNo RReason TTo HHide o eason o ide oN eRason oT iHde mo deason fo jide mNo dReason fTo jHide Nmo Rdeason Tfo Hjide
ho 4eason 5o uide hNo 4Reason 5To uHide Nho R4eason T5o Huide jo geason ho nide jNo gReason hTo nHide Njo Rgeason Tho Hnide
bo teason yo bide bNo tReason yTo bHide Nbo Rteason Tyo Hbide Noo 5eason 6o gide N 5Reason 6To gHide No R5eason T6o Hgide
Nk feason go yide Nko fReason gTo yHide Nok Rfeason Tgo Hyide N9 eeason ro Hiide N9o eReason rTo Hde No9 Reeason Tro Hdie
N0 Too Hjde N0o Rason T No0 Raeson To Hijde Nl Rsason Tk H9de Nlo Rseason Tko H9ide Nol Resason Tok Hi9de
Ni R3ason T9 Hlde Nio R3eason T9o Hlide Noi Re3ason To9 Hilde Rfason T0 Hode T0o Hoide Refason To0 Hiode
Rrason Tl Hkde Rreason Tlo Hkide Rerason Tol Hikde R4ason Ti H8de Tio H8ide Re4ason Toi Hi8de
Rdason Hude Redason Hiude Rwason Hidde Rweason Hie Rewason Hied Reaason Hixe
Reson Hixde Resaon Hidxe Rezson Hiee Rezason Hiede Reazson Hidee Reqson Hife

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