Hillsong United
Your Name

Verse 1 As morning dawns and evening fades you inspire songs of praise
that rise from earth to touch your heart and glorify your name

Chorus Your name is a strong and mighty tower
your name is a shelter like no other your name
let the nation sing it louder
cause nothing has the power to save
but your name

Verse 2 Jesus in your name we pray
come and fill our hearts today
and give us strength to live for you
and Glorify your name

Mirror lyrics:

and Glorify your name
and give us strength to live for you
come and fill our hearts today
Verse 2 Jesus in your name we pray

but your name
cause nothing has the power to save
let the nation sing it louder
your name is a shelter like no other your name
Chorus Your name is a strong and mighty tower

that rise from earth to touch your heart and glorify your name
Verse 1 As morning dawns and evening fades you inspire songs of praise

Relevant Tags:
YYour NName our ame oYur aNme gour mame gYour mName Ygour Nmame hour hame hYour hName Yhour Nhame 6our jame 6Your jName
Y6our Njame uour bame uYour bName Yuour Nbame 7our Naame 7Your Nme Y7our Nmae jour Nzme jYour Nzame Yjour Nazme tour Nqme
tYour Nqame Ytour Naqme Yoour Nsme Yur Nsame Yuor Nasme Ykur Nwme Ykour Nwame Yokur Nawme Y9ur Nxme Y9our Nxame Yo9ur Naxme
Y0ur Namme Y0our Nae Yo0ur Naem Ylur Naje Ylour Najme Yolur Namje Yiur Nake Yiour Nakme Yoiur Namke Youur Nane Yor Nanme

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