Custom Gold

Moving faster into your cold heart

This is what you want

Everything seems so annoying

I'm giving all I've got

All I had will disappear

Nothing ever will be clear

I'm feeling down on the upside

I guess the end is near

You won't believe the reasons why

But can you fake it one more time?

I wish I could reach out to you

Without saying I love you

When I get you close next to me

With a shattered ego smile

All the feelings that surround me

Spit on my outstretched hand

Tears dry out on the bothered sky

You grab my heart then you let it cry

My speech of custom gold collides

Now there's no way left to deny

You won't believe the reasons why

But can you fake it one more time?

I wish I could reach out to you

Without saying I love you

You won't believe the reasons why

But can you fake it one more time?

I wish I could reach out to you

Without saying I love you

You won't believe the reasons why

But can you fake it one more time?

I wish I could reach out to you

Without saying I love you

You won't believe the reasons why

But can you fake it one more time?

I wish I could reach out to you

Without saying I love you

Mirror lyrics:

Without saying I love you

I wish I could reach out to you

But can you fake it one more time?

You won't believe the reasons why

Without saying I love you

I wish I could reach out to you

But can you fake it one more time?

You won't believe the reasons why

Without saying I love you

I wish I could reach out to you

But can you fake it one more time?

You won't believe the reasons why

Without saying I love you

I wish I could reach out to you

But can you fake it one more time?

You won't believe the reasons why

Now there's no way left to deny

My speech of custom gold collides

You grab my heart then you let it cry

Tears dry out on the bothered sky

Spit on my outstretched hand

All the feelings that surround me

With a shattered ego smile

When I get you close next to me

Without saying I love you

I wish I could reach out to you

But can you fake it one more time?

You won't believe the reasons why

I guess the end is near

I'm feeling down on the upside

Nothing ever will be clear

All I had will disappear

I'm giving all I've got

Everything seems so annoying

This is what you want

Moving faster into your cold heart

Relevant Tags:
CCustom GGold ustom old uCstom oGld fustom hold fCustom hGold Cfustom Ghold xustom yold xCustom yGold Cxustom Gyold vustom bold
vCustom bGold Cvustom Gbold dustom vold dCustom vGold Cdustom Gvold Cuustom fold Cstom fGold Csutom Gfold Chstom told Chustom tGold
Cuhstom Gtold C7stom Goold C7ustom Gld Cu7stom Glod Ckstom Gkld Ckustom Gkold Cukstom Gokld Cistom G9ld Ciustom G9old Cuistom Go9ld
C8stom G0ld C8ustom G0old Cu8stom Go0ld Cjstom Glld Cjustom Glold Cujstom Golld Cystom Gild Cyustom Giold Cuystom Goild Cusstom
Cutom God Cutsom Godl Cuztom Gokd Cuzstom Cusztom Golkd Cuwtom Good Cuwstom Cuswtom Golod Cudtom Gopd Cudstom Gopld
Cusdtom Golpd Cuetom Goldd Cuestom Gol Cusetom Gold Cuxtom Golx Cuxstom Golxd Cusxtom Goldx

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