Harlan Howard
Legion Of The Lost

(Harlan Howard)

Don't worry bout me anymore I've got my future plan
I found the way to rid my mind of mem'ries I can't stand
I'll lose the heartache you gave me no matter what the cost
From this day on my friends will be the legion of the lost.

I'll join the ranks of those who go through this world second class
Who watch the world go by them through the bottom of a glass
Where broken hearts are comin' place for there all losers do
I'll join the legion of the lost till I stop loving you.

I thought you love me and my heart was busy making plans
But then he came along and took my future off my hands
I've packed my dreams I'm on my way to Heartache Avenue
I'll join the legion of the lost till I stop loving you...

Mirror lyrics:

I'll join the legion of the lost till I stop loving you...
I've packed my dreams I'm on my way to Heartache Avenue
But then he came along and took my future off my hands
I thought you love me and my heart was busy making plans

I'll join the legion of the lost till I stop loving you.
Where broken hearts are comin' place for there all losers do
Who watch the world go by them through the bottom of a glass
I'll join the ranks of those who go through this world second class

From this day on my friends will be the legion of the lost.
I'll lose the heartache you gave me no matter what the cost
I found the way to rid my mind of mem'ries I can't stand
Don't worry bout me anymore I've got my future plan

(Harlan Howard)

Relevant Tags:
LLegion OOf TThe LLost egion f he ost eLgion fO hTe oLst kegion kf fhe kost kLegion kOf fThe kLost Lkegion Okf Tfhe Lkost
oegion 9f 5he oost oLegion 9Of 5The oLost Loegion O9f T5he Loost pegion 0f hhe post pLegion 0Of hThe pLost Lpegion O0f Thhe Lpost
Leegion lf yhe Lgion lOf yThe Lst Lgeion Olf Tyhe Lsot Lsgion if 6he Lkst Lsegion iOf 6The Lesgion Oif T6he Lokst
L3gion Off ghe L9st L3egion O gThe L9ost Le3gion Of Tghe Lo9st Lfgion Oc rhe L0st Lfegion Ocf rThe L0ost Lefgion Ofc Trhe Lo0st
Lrgion Or Llst Lregion Orf Te Llost Lergion Ofr Teh Lolst L4gion Og Tje List L4egion Ogf Tjhe Liost Le4gion Ofg Thje Loist
Ldgion Ot Tue Losst Ldegion Otf Tuhe Lot Ledgion Oft Thue Lots Lwgion Ov Tne Lozt Lwegion Ovf Tnhe Lozst Lewgion Ofv Thne Loszt
Leggion Od Tbe Lowt Leion Odf Tbhe Lowst Leigon Ofd Thbe Loswt Lehion Tge Lodt Lehgion Lodst Leghion Thge Losdt
Leyion Tye Loet Leygion Loest Legyion Thye Loset Lebion Thee Loxt Lebgion Th Loxst Legbion The Losxt
Levion Ths Loat Levgion Thse Loast Legvion Thes Losat Lefion Th3 Lostt Th3e Los Legfion The3 Lost

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