Harem Scarem
Understand You

Looking back to find
What went wrong this time

We're falling to pieces
We fall out of line
We fall into holes
In empty times

I will try to undestand you
I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around

I can't find myself
And you were lost as well

We're falling to pieces
We fall out of line
We fall into holes
In empty times

I will try to undestand you
I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around

I will try to undestand you
I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around

You never wait on a miracle
Got nothing to loose and everything to gain

I will try to undestand you
I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around

I will try to undestand you
I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around

Understand you...
Understand you...
Understand you...
Understand you...

Mirror lyrics:

Understand you...
Understand you...
Understand you...
Understand you...

I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around
I will try to undestand you

I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around
I will try to undestand you

Got nothing to loose and everything to gain
You never wait on a miracle

I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around
I will try to undestand you

I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around
I will try to undestand you

In empty times
We fall into holes
We fall out of line
We're falling to pieces

And you were lost as well
I can't find myself

I will turn this all around
The world grows colder, I'm your shoulder
I will turn this all around
I will try to undestand you

In empty times
We fall into holes
We fall out of line
We're falling to pieces

What went wrong this time
Looking back to find

Relevant Tags:
UUnderstand YYou nderstand ou nUderstand oYu hnderstand gou hUnderstand gYou Uhnderstand Ygou 7nderstand hou 7Understand hYou
U7nderstand Yhou knderstand 6ou kUnderstand 6You Uknderstand Y6ou inderstand uou iUnderstand uYou Uinderstand Yuou 8nderstand 7ou
8Understand 7You U8nderstand Y7ou jnderstand jou jUnderstand jYou Ujnderstand Yjou ynderstand tou yUnderstand tYou Uynderstand Ytou
Unnderstand Yoou Uderstand Yu Udnerstand Yuo Umderstand Yku Umnderstand Ykou Unmderstand Yoku Uhderstand Y9u Y9ou
Unhderstand Yo9u Ujderstand Y0u Y0ou Unjderstand Yo0u Ubderstand Ylu Ubnderstand Ylou Unbderstand Yolu Undderstand Yiu
Unerstand Yiou Unedrstand Yoiu Unxerstand Youu Unxderstand Yo Undxerstand You Uneerstand Yoh Unederstand Yohu Undeerstand Youh
Unferstand Yo7 Unfderstand Yo7u Undferstand You7 Unrerstand Yok Unrderstand Undrerstand Youk Uncerstand Yoi Uncderstand
Undcerstand Youi Unserstand Yo8 Unsderstand Yo8u Undserstand You8 Yoj Undrstand Yoju Undrestand Youj Undsrstand Yoy
Yoyu Undesrstand Youy Und3rstand Und3erstand Unde3rstand Undfrstand Undefrstand Undrrstand
Underrstand Und4rstand Und4erstand Unde4rstand Unddrstand Undedrstand Undwrstand Undwerstand
Undewrstand Undestand Undesrtand Undedstand Underdstand Unde4stand Under4stand Undegstand
Undegrstand Undergstand Undetstand

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